2012-03-19 6:01 AM
I' using microcontroller STM32VL Discovery and i won't to interface caracter of keypad 16 key on LCD using an encoder 16 keys .Please help me friend's !!2012-03-19 7:09 AM
Wouldn't you just hook up the row/column to GPIO pins and scan it like every other implementation?
A quick Google should manifest a whole slew of exampleshttp://www.atmel.com/Images/doc2669.pdf
2012-03-19 7:44 AM
I almost made a boo-boo once by routinely making the outputs to the keypad push-pull. That would make beautiful blue smoke come out of the chip if you press two keys at the same time. Fortunately, I caught it before loading the code into the micro.
I can see someone making the same mistake by routine, thus this post. Erik2012-03-19 7:51 AM
WOW, just had a peek at your Arghmel link and, lo and behold, they make that very mistake:
''Rows are connected to four PIO pins configured as outputs.''Erik
2012-03-19 7:51 AM
WOW, just had a peek at your Arghmel link and, lo and behold, they make that very mistake:
''Rows are connected to four PIO pins configured as outputs.''Erik
2012-03-19 2:26 PM
2012-03-19 2:29 PM