2017-03-21 6:51 AM
Hi erverybody,
I'm programming two cards. The first has a STM32F205RG, this one functions perfectly, I can program it and do what I want (I'm using SWD connection to program my cards).
The second one has a STM32F429IG. For this one, I cannot program it. I have tried with J-LINK, ST LINK (by using IAR or ST LINK utility). The connection diagram is exactly the same as for the first board, and I have also checked all connections between connector and �C.
In enclosed documents, my main connections (PDR_ON and BYPASS_REG are not connected, I have also tried to connect them to VDD but it's the same).
If you have any suggestions (diagram, option in IAR/ST LINK), I'll be very happy.
Thank you
Fabrice P�den
#stm32f429 #swd2017-03-21 7:21 AM
Check the voltage on the VCAP pins
Check the level on NRST
If the external pod needs VTref to drive its buffers make sure that is powered.
Secondary signs-of-life would be access to the System Loader, pulling BOOT0 high, and trying USB or USART1/USART3 connectivity, per the loader documentation. On the serial port sending an 0x7F byte at 9600 8E1, expecting an 0x79 response.
An unpowered core will not be responsive.
2017-03-21 7:39 AM
Thank you for your quick answer.
Concerning VCAP pins, the voltage is 1.137V (same voltages on both pins). Moreover, the STM32 datasheet specify 2.2µF and ESR < 2 Ohms, if the ESR is more important than 2 Ohms, can it give this kind of problem ?
NRST is @ 3V3, and goes down to 0V when I plug the JLINK.
what do you mean about external pod ?
I'll try to access to the system loader, I'll let you inform.
Thank you,
2017-03-21 8:09 AM
I've checked with BOOT0 @ 3V3.
I sent frames with docklight and use STM Flash Loader demonstrator, and no answer from my µC.
So, that means that the core is not powered ? But I have checked all my supplies, and they are good.
2017-03-21 9:03 AM
>>what do you mean about external pod ?
Free standing ST-LINK, J-LINK, etc
2017-03-21 9:52 AM
I found the solution. BYPASS_REG must be tied to VSS to be enabled.