2019-12-05 02:39 PM
I designed my first own board with a STM32F030F4P6 on it. Additionally a got me a ST-Link V2 for programing and debugging. As IDEIuse CubeMXIDE. I already successfully programed some Nucleos with it.
With my own board I don't get a connection to the microcontroller. CubeMXIDE only says "No target on device". After some fails I decided to make a little breakout board and test the programing on a breadboard. The pictures in the attachment showing the setup. But even with other microcontroller of that type (I already thought I could have damaged it) CubeMXIDE only gives me the same message. On the breadboard only supply and the programing interface (3.3V, GND, Reset with 10K pull-up, SWCLK, SWDIO) are connected. At the ribbon cable of the ST-Link Debugger I have 1 = 3.3V, 7 = SWDIO, 9 = SWCLK, 15 = Reset, 20 = GND.
2019-12-05 03:55 PM
Make sure VDDA is powered. Check NRST
Have BOOT0 pulled low
2019-12-05 10:27 PM
VDDA is powered by 3.3V, BOOT0 is tied to GND and NRST has a pull-up of 10K on it
2019-12-06 07:08 AM
Other ideas?