2018-03-04 12:11 PM
Hello, guys.I'm trying to get started with a TFT LCD.4.7 with the ILI9487 driver.And I have some problems.
First of all, a couldn't find any library for the driver I have.
Next is that I can't find any resources that explain how can I write my own library,
And the last is that there are some libraries that support other drivers like SSD1968 drivers, what's the difference between these drivers and libraries?Can I use for example SSD 1968 libraries instead of my own LCD driver?
2018-03-04 12:55 PM
What is the geometry of the display?
What are you connecting it too?
How are you connecting it?
What is the part number of the display?
What materials has the vendor of the display provided?
There is documentation for the ILI9486 and ILI9488, this is likely quite similar
Review the manuals or example to understand the difference between the chips, and the similarities in the implementations.
>>Next is that I can't find any resources that explain how can I write my own library
In the same manner that many people don't need manuals or explanations about how to drive and work on different types of cars, you'll find that there is a lot of commonality in the function, mechanics and end-goals of chips designed to drive LCD displays and provide frame buffering and drawing,etc.
This doesn't mean things are entirely interchangeable, but that with some baseline knowledge you should be able to work things out.
Find out what other resources are available, and port them.
2018-03-05 9:24 AM
These are some of the LCD descriptions that I have.I'm going to write the code with stm32f217zg.
2018-03-05 9:51 AM
So and 8-bit FSMC interface to the controller via a 30-pin header
2018-03-05 1:21 PM
Bad news,i haven't ever work with FSMC.Does it have any pins on the tft?
And i found another tft library that is a little diffrent in some pins.Can i port its library?
2018-03-05 1:40 PM
Ok, and that looks to have a 16-bit wide bus.
The FSMC is the external memory interface of the STM32, much like the address/data buses of early generation micro-controllers, and decoded within the STM32 address space.
The questions I asked earlier will be true of other displays you find, pictures while interesting don't really go far toward actual documentation for boards and chips.
2018-03-06 2:49 AM
>Bad news,i haven't ever work with FSMC.
Do not use FSMC at the beginning.
A driver for any TFT controller should contain these elementary functions:
&sharpdefines of all available commands and static TFT parameters
set_pixel(colour, x, y);
Ignore at first the read functionality, a TFT is a data sink.
Create the waveforms in the datasheet for the TFT controller by toggling GPIOs and verfy them with a logic analyzer.
I can not find a ILITEK ILI9487 or an Solomon Systech SSD1968 on ther HP or any kind of datasheet in the www.
2018-03-06 5:59 AM
You're right.I couldn't find the datasheet either, and this is my biggest problem.
2018-03-06 8:48 AM
The SSD1968 Spec is here :-
2018-03-06 8:56 AM
What are the spec for the screen? This is a technical venue, try to convey usable details, and cites for the specific product you have in your hands.
The ILI9488 is likely a good proxy