2017-09-28 7:47 AM
Hello everyone
Yesterday i buy a Nucleo-F746ZG, i installed SW4STM32, ST-LINK/V2 Drivers and
examples, first of all i try the Demonstration firmware and all was good.Finally i decide to try the Uart Example and here start the problems, i download on the board the firmware using SW4STM32 and the usb cable, then i try to read the messages with several terminals (Termite, Hyperterminal, Putty) but i not see any message(i also try to reset it using push button on the board but nothing), using the oscilloscope on the TX and RX lines on the CN5 connector i see a fixed 3.3 V.
I make something wrong? any idea about the problem?
Thank's for the attention and for the help
#nucleo-f746 #example #uart #problemSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-09-28 10:53 AM
Demo .HEX file here
,2017-09-28 8:31 AM
>>I make something wrong? any idea about the problem?
Apparently, which example specifically are you compiling, have you used the debugger and stepped the code, do you have the right baud rate and COM port?
The USART/VCP works on the boards here.
2017-09-28 10:53 AM
Demo .HEX file here
,2017-09-29 1:51 AM
Thank you Very much for your answer, with your code work correctly, you have the source code of that program ? because i have the same problem on another firmware, what was the problem ?
2017-09-29 7:40 AM
I find the problem, was missing the file syscalls.c, adding it the example work, i think that this problem happens using the eclipse IDE SW4STM32
2019-05-09 9:27 PM
Thank you Mohamed.
I have a same issue but I resolved by your answer.
Please copy syscall.c to SW4STM32 dirctory if anybody have the same issue.
I did it like a following.
copy STM32F746ZG-Nucleo\Applications\USB_Host\HID_Standalone\SW4STM32\syscall.c ==> STM32F746ZG-Nucleo\Examples\UART\UART_Printf\SW4STM32\STM32746ZG_Nucleo\
If you use odd for parity bit, you will see strange character.
UartHandle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_ODD;
result) * T??鳶n?h? su娠?s?壹y?** 둇 一b?? p侄n廳 ?n辛旭n 剃 ??襤RT?
I've changed parity bit to none and it show it correctly.
UartHandle.Init.Parity = UART_PARITY_NONE;
result) UART Printf Example: retarget the C library printf function to the UART
** Test finished successfully. **