2017-04-08 11:13 PM
Hi dear friends,
I have a problem with uart reception.
I can't receive any data or maybe i can't init it correctly.
I assign gpio to it and init it according to user manual. it has transmission but no data can receive. I don't no why??
Can everybody show me an example?
I used example of uart in stm32cubef7 too , but no reception can be done.
#stm32 #uart #stm32f746-nucleo #cubef72017-04-10 11:53 AM
This worked for me on the F767ZI
And F746ZG, same .HEX
2017-04-10 7:41 PM
If it is not apparent, the F7 goes into USART echo mode once it has output the diagnostic info, ie any thing you type at the terminal at 115200 8N1 is echoed back as received. Seems to be functioning as designed.
2017-04-10 8:19 PM
What's the name of the register that has the ram size?
2017-04-10 10:23 PM
RAM size has been inferred from the FLASH size described in System ROM