2009-09-08 11:56 AM
Problem with STM32F10x Standard Peripheral's Example
2011-05-17 04:23 AM
Sorry for your problem - suggest a different approach. (your English is fine!)
Always suggest that one ''bring up'' a new system in the smallest, simplest manner. Did your eval board work, ''out of the box?'' Should have provided a very nice, comprehensive demo of functions. You report a ''build error.'' Seems to imply that your new project did not compile and/or build all the way - AND that you did not erase & reprogram your eval board. (thus the demo remains - is this the case?) We don't know if you have a JTAG probe or are intending to download new code into your board via Uart. The ''B Eval board'' has a very detailed user guide - with great tips which will aid you. To resolve your build error I suggest starting with the smallest, simplest program you can find - (i.e. ''blinky''). Fewer files involved - lower chance of a build error. Hope this helps - good luck...2011-05-17 04:23 AM
Hello. I have STM32210B evaluation board. I downloaded STM32F10x Standard Peripherals Library (http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/stm32f10x_stdperiph_lib.zip).
I try to build CAN_Normal example in Raisonance RIDE7, �?°nd got ''Build Error'' problem (with no additional information, only ''Build Error'' message). I added all source and include files and setup all settings according to instruction. What am i doing wrong? Or could anyone create same project and try to build it? Thanks P.S. Sorry for possible mistakes, english is not my native language