2018-01-18 10:41 PM
hello i am using STM32_Mat_target 4.4.2 but i am not able to communicate my board stm32f407vg externally i am getting error for connection any one please help me regarding this
2018-01-19 12:35 AM
You mean this:
?You need to give more details about the 'error' you are receiving.
What basic connectivity checks have you done? eg, check in Device Manager ... ?
Is there no troubleshooting guidance in the documentation on the linked page?
2018-01-19 2:20 AM
I checked device manager also all connections are fine.. same external mode is working with embedded coder support package for stm32f4 discovery bord hardware support package.
But in that package PWM, SPI, I2C, UART blocks are not available.
Only ADC, and Digital i/p, o/p blocks with hardware interrupt blocks are there.
For my Research project almost all are required for analysis i need external mode.
2018-01-19 3:15 AM
Here i attach the error am getting and i followed the step as per the manual. can u please suggest me what exactly happening. also please tell a configuration required for this. her i attached configuration of cubemx also. you help is more appreciated.
2018-01-19 4:33 AM
The error message gives you 3 possible causes for the problem - have you checked each one?
Please give full details.
2018-01-19 7:23 AM
Thanks for your response. Also i resolved this issue
On Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 5:05 PM, Andrew Neil <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com
2018-01-19 8:10 AM
For the benefit of future readers with the same problem, please describe how you resolved the issue.
2018-02-01 2:04 AM
Did you can resolved the problem?
2018-02-01 9:35 PM
sorry for the delay... I resolved but also have some other doubts regarding
the configuration of ADC in Cubemx.
1. Whatever the program I write it in Matlab after build into a Keil it
works fine in Keil software. But the result is not able to monitor in
2. Now I resolved this by enabling DMA in Cubemx. If we don't enable
this DMA we get only one conversion value in Matlan scope after it will not
show the conversion. But the conversion we can sea in Keil.
3. So, I have doubt on this configuration in Cubemx. Please help me
regarding this what configuration i have to do exactly in Cubemx
4. Last am not able to make out Single, continuous and discontinuous
conversion difference and how to set the delay in Matlab to read the ADC
value. now am not able to set a delay in this.
On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 2:36 PM, Aimagin Co., Ltd. <
2018-02-09 3:44 AM
Hi, Sanjeevkumar
I replied for the same problem in this
.I hope it will be helpful to you.
Best regards,