2014-12-11 8:28 AM
I would like to point out the problems that I have encountered with CubeMX thus far.
I am trying to set up an SPI communication between an STM32F401RE Nucleo board (Master) and an mbed LPC1768. I tried using the CubeMX code generator and export it into Keil 5 but I couldn't load the program.Even though I chose the correct board when trying to setup the code when the code was generated and loaded into Keil it reported a different Target name.I tried to change the target options to the STM but it didn't work.Has anyone else had the same problem? #stm32f401re-spi-keil-cubemx2014-12-19 4:45 PM
I have had this problem. Is seems to happen when you import a project generated by an earlier version of Cube.The target device is still show as correct, but won't compile.My workaround was to change the target device, exit the menu, re-enter the menu and then change the target back to what it should be.Hope this helps.Jason2015-01-09 1:52 AM
We don't reproduce your issue. Have you used MDK pack installer to download latest pack for STM32 F4?