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Problem debugging the STM32H7B3i-DK (Again)


I am developing on the STM32H7B3i-DK board using Keil MDK + STMCubeMx for creating the project.

For some bizarre reason that I can't explain, I can no longer do debugging on my dev board after been blocked for a few days by an issues that I had with "option bytes".

Now the option bytes issue was resolved I tried to continue with my debugging only to discover that I can not longer do debugging on the board which was kind of working.

Every time I run the debugger it seems to crash in the following function. The value passed in the SupplySource parameter is PWD_LDO_SUPPLY.

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_PWREx_ConfigSupply (uint32_t SupplySource)
  /* Set the power supply configuration */

Once the code tries to execute the line MODIFY_REG(PWR->CR3, PWR_SUPPLY_CONFIG_MASK, SupplySource) it crashes with the following dialog box message


At which point I can no longer continue with the debug session other than to power cycle the board or else I start to get other error messages such as


Followed by


Are other experiencing issues with this board. So far I have used the STM32H750, STM32H743 and the STM32L073 without any issues.

For some reason I seems to have spent 80% of my time fighting one issue or another on this board rather than my development.

Is there a decent tutorial on this board that one can follow or there known issues about this device that I should know off.

Thanks in advance.

Associate II

Hello my friend

Do you know how the wifi module works?

Some example of a WIFI http server (web server) with stm32h7b3i-dk ???

To communicate with the wifi module, use the SPI2 of the board but no more, the board does not give me any answer. Any idea how to implement an example ???

How to send the AT commanders in the SPI communication through the following lines:

HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive_IT (SPI_HandleTypeDef * hspi, uint8_t * pTxData, uint8_t * pRxData, uint16_t Size)

HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SPI_Transmit_IT (SPI_HandleTypeDef * hspi, uint8_t * pData, uint16_t Size)

How to configure the wifi module (ISM43340-M4G-L44-10 CF) with serial communication from how many baud to how to send AT commands from stm32h7b3i-dk?


Hi Cvega,

I have not done anything with the Wifi module on this board. I however did a quick search and found a datasheet for the module. Please find link here have a look at page 18 as it make mention of some AT Commands.

I have used the STM32 SPI peripherals in the past and they do work as described.

I have saved the datasheet locally just in case you are not able to get it and I can email it to you.