2015-06-04 12:39 AM
I'm using a stm32f303 which has a max clock speed of 72MHz.
It would be very convenient for me to set it to 73.728MHz. It works on my board, but what effect does a few percent overclocking have on the MCU? How is reliability affected etc? #stm32f3032015-06-04 5:00 AM
> It works on my board, but what effect does a few percent overclocking have on the MCU?
> How is reliability affected etc? This is a question which can be answered only by ST, and the answer is probably very expensive. JW2015-06-04 6:22 AM
And this is the ST technical forum.
If it's only us customers here it explains why when I want real info I have to go through distributors to lean on the manufacturers.2015-06-04 7:18 AM
It should be safe overclocking the core couple of MHz. But be careful with overclocking the buses, don't do that if you really don't need it, so keep an eye on your dividers used for the buses, timers, USB, etc. Cube's clocks configuration tool is awesome, it will indicate the errors.
Some links: [DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/How%20fast%20%20%3b-%29&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580009C4E14902C3CDE46A77F0FFD06506F5B¤tviews=923](1),http://forums.leaflabs.com/topic.php?id=31
P.S. No warranties of course, I've never overclocked STM32.2015-06-04 8:00 AM
If it's only us customers here it explains why when I want real info I have to go through distributors to lean on the manufacturers.
This has always been a user forum, if you want to talk to engineers at ST this isn't the conduit to achieve that.2015-06-04 2:15 PM
> And this is the ST technical forum.
How did you come up with that crazy notion? This is ''ST e2e Communities'' forum. Nowhere does it say that this is a place to ask ST engineers questions. If you need to do that, create a support ticket on the ST website and ask your question. You do not need to go through distribution. In my experience, ST has always responded by the end of the next business day. Even questions that required input from specialists in the company were resolved within a week. As to your question, if you want a guarantee that every chip will work to spec under all conditions, you need to stick to the maximum frequency. The exception to that is if ST decides to guarantee something else in response to your support request, but I doubt that will happen. Is it likely to work if you overclock it by 5% ? My best guess is yes. But if you start having strange problems, you will have to wonder if it is a bug in your code or the silicon misbehaving because it can not handle the faster speed.