2017-08-25 12:20 PM
RM0351 rev.5 says that
There's no other OTG_FS interrupt mentioned in that interrupts table. Does that mean that EXTI line 17 should be enabled to be able to receive the OTG_FS interrupts?
Turning to the EXTI chapter causes even more confusion:
How exactly is an OTG_FS *wakeup* event enabled, that it not explained in the OTG_FS chapter or elsewhere. There *is* a WKUPINT bit in OTG_GINTSTS, but that's supposed to be ORed into the global OTG_FS interrupt, as indicated by Figure 525 Interrupt hierarchy in 47.13 OTG_FS interrupts. Or is it not? Is it separate from other interrupts, or is it simply forked to a separate ''wakeup event'' signal? In the latter case, is it still masked by OTG_GINTMSK.WUIM?
Okay, so if EXTI17 is OTG_FS *wakeup* event, and that is interrupt 67, so where is the *normal* OTG_FS interrupt?
Additionally, isn't this sort of interconnection supposed to be documented in chapter 10 Peripherals interconnect matrix and for the 'F4 in AN4640?
Just add to the mess, [STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.0]\Projects\STM32L476G_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\HID_Standalone\Src\usbd_conf.c has this to say: