2009-09-18 4:43 PM
Open source tools for the STM32
2012-01-17 11:18 PM
Could please explain/share the gdb stub for Cortex-M3? Thanks.2012-04-18 7:28 AM
I am using all opensource tools with an STM32VLDISCOVERY (using the on-board ST-link) by roughly following the instructions here:
http://www.stf12.org/developers/ODeV.html I'm using CodeSourcery Lite, Eclipse with the ARM plugin, and OpenOCD, from PCLinuxOS 2011. There are a lot of points to get hung up following those instructions though: -OpenOCD must be pulled from the GIT repository, as you need a very new version, and must be compiled using ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-stlink. You can then run it with openocd -f board/stm32vldiscovery.cfg -Trying to get everything working at once through Eclipse is a pain. In fact, there's no reason you even *need* Eclipse -- your firmware projects will actually cross-build just fine by typing ''make'', assuming you have a proper makefile. Instead, get OpenOCD sending commands to the ST-link first. Test it through its telnet interface, (you should at least be able to start and stop the eval board from running), then get arm-none-eabi-gdb connected to it (easy). -Instead of using the example projects at the website mentioned above, I started with a much simpler one that I found... somewhere. Try googling for a template project. Like before, trying to start with a complicated project that uses RTOS just gives you more chances to have problems that you will spend time trying to explain. I am only a couple of days into using this toolchain, so I will know more about it in the future, but so far it appears to be pretty solid. If not, there are other (opensource) options for each one of the components.2013-10-04 2:10 AM
Since this is the most viewed thread in STM32 forum, it's a good idea to refresh our options.
I use EmBlocks (www.emblocks.org).It's a Code::Blocks based nice turn-key IDE + ARM-GCC solution. And I have to tell you, it's much much better than many IDE's from various vendors. We have a paid compiler + IDE in our hands but I even didn't bother to start our license.It has a nice wizard and you could run your classicint main(void){
}code just in minutes. Blinky could take a couple more minutes to days according to your ARM and STM32 experience levels. I highly recommend it.
2014-06-18 6:30 AM
I am new in this community nad ST micocontroller, i am working wityh STM32F302BVT controler ,i have t ostart its software part,can you guide me from where i can get the demo code or examples code for the STM32F family ,i seached on ST website but found nothing, Please guide me I shall be very much thankful to you for this Thanks Lakhwinder2014-06-18 7:36 AM
First, I would avoid reviving 2..3 year old threads, but rather start a new one.
For software examples and demo code for the F302, I would start there: Not everything there is specific to the F302.2015-04-22 1:21 PM
EmBlocks 2.30 - free run 2 seconds, assembly firmware - as quickly as possible, start the firmware - 1 second, has no hidden spyware and crap in the system.
Weighs 40 meters.For personal happiness - you can write your own plugins, the interface is almost completely similar to Code :: Blocks, there is the same on the forum you can find examples of plug-ins in the clear.Template Wizard in the clear, for those who will start at high speed.For yet a project successfully crashed, therefore it is too late - Download.Translation from Russian by Google, the meaning of certain phrases may cause injury.2015-04-24 12:23 AM