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Open source tools for the STM32

Associate III
Posted on September 19, 2009 at 01:43

Open source tools for the STM32

Posted on January 18, 2012 at 08:18


Could please explain/share the gdb stub for Cortex-M3?


Associate II
Posted on April 18, 2012 at 16:28

I am using all opensource tools with an STM32VLDISCOVERY (using the on-board ST-link) by roughly following the instructions here:

I'm using CodeSourcery Lite, Eclipse with the ARM plugin, and OpenOCD, from PCLinuxOS 2011. There are a lot of points to get hung up following those instructions though:

-OpenOCD must be pulled from the GIT repository, as you need a very new version, and must be compiled using ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-stlink. You can then run it with openocd -f board/stm32vldiscovery.cfg

-Trying to get everything working at once through Eclipse is a pain. In fact, there's no reason you even *need* Eclipse -- your firmware projects will actually cross-build just fine by typing ''make'', assuming you have a proper makefile. Instead, get OpenOCD sending commands to the ST-link first. Test it through its telnet interface, (you should at least be able to start and stop the eval board from running), then get arm-none-eabi-gdb connected to it (easy).

-Instead of using the example projects at the website mentioned above, I started with a much simpler one that I found... somewhere. Try googling for a template project. Like before, trying to start with a complicated project that uses RTOS just gives you more chances to have problems that you will spend time trying to explain.

I am only a couple of days into using this toolchain, so I will know more about it in the future, but so far it appears to be pretty solid. If not, there are other (opensource) options for each one of the components.

Associate III
Posted on October 04, 2013 at 11:10

Since this is the most viewed thread in STM32 forum, it's a good idea to refresh our options.

I use EmBlocks (

It's a Code::Blocks based nice turn-key IDE + ARM-GCC solution. And I have to tell you, it's much much better than many IDE's from various vendors. We have a paid compiler + IDE in our hands but I even didn't bother to start our license.

It has a nice wizard and you could run your classic

int main(void)











code just in minutes. Blinky could take a couple more minutes to days according to your ARM and STM32 experience levels. I highly recommend it.
Posted on June 18, 2014 at 15:30


I am new in this community nad ST micocontroller, i am working wityh STM32F302BVT controler ,i have t ostart its software part,can you guide me from where i can get the demo code or examples code for the STM32F family ,i seached on ST website but found nothing, Please guide me I shall be very much thankful to you for this 



Associate II
Posted on June 18, 2014 at 16:36

First, I would avoid reviving 2..3 year old threads, but rather start a new one.

For software examples and demo code for the F302, I would start there:

Not everything there is specific to the F302.

Posted on April 22, 2015 at 22:21

EmBlocks 2.30 - free run 2 seconds, assembly firmware - as quickly as possible, start the firmware - 1 second, has no hidden spyware and crap in the system.

Weighs 40 meters.

For personal happiness - you can write your own plugins, the interface is almost completely similar to Code :: Blocks, there is the same on the forum you can find examples of plug-ins in the clear.

Template Wizard in the clear, for those who will start at high speed.

For yet a project successfully crashed, therefore it is too late - Download.

Translation from Russian by Google, the meaning of certain phrases may cause injury.

Posted on April 24, 2015 at 09:23

Google - перевод  не так хорошо ...