2009-09-18 4:43 PM
Open source tools for the STM32
2011-05-17 3:17 AM
Also found this but didn't try it yet:
http://opensource.zylin.com/gccbinary.html2011-05-17 3:17 AM
Does anyone have examples on how to setup an working toolchain?
And with sources for the lib files and whatever is needed?2011-05-17 3:17 AM
since a view day i use following configuration * eclipse helios * GNU ARM Eclipse Plug-in (http://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuarmeclipse) * codesourcery g++ lite * startup file from std periph. lib (atollic) * linker script from an Atollic Project with the Atollic Truestudio Free Version produced * ST-LINK gdbserver from the Atollic Truestudio Free Version Greetings, Lukas2011-08-30 6:08 AM
Lukas, some hints how you did that and like to share with us.
2011-08-30 6:36 AM
Hi all,
I also had this predicament a few months ago, how to get a tool-chain setup to write to the STM32 without investing in an expensive IDE and a j-tag.The solution i came to, and am still using is to use the codesourcery compiler on eclipse. Then a serial bootloader to load it onto the stm32. Eclipse is all set up to create its own makefile so its frankly a doddle to compile and write code. Also its easy to change the compiler flags within eclipse without having to know a large amount about the compiler itself. (which i dont..)I currently have no way of doing code stepping but once you set up USART it makes debugging much much easier. I am using Linux to run all of this but im 90% sure that its all portable to Windows as well, the only thing im not so sure about is the bootloader but the compiler and eclipse certainly work on windows.I am aware of someone who is currently writing a very detailed and helpful ''walkthough'' on how to get this toolchain set up using only open source software. It was the draft of this that i used to set up my own machine.I could post the completed version (with his permission) on here once its done and in the mean time i dont mind helping some people with the set-up if they wish.Darren.2011-09-01 5:23 AM
Here is a guide from Omnima that outlines how GCC ARM can be used to develop on Linux and Mac OS X as well as Windows. There is also a section documenting the steps on setting up a GDB server using the ST-Link SWD interface on the STM32VL-Discovery board and runs natively on Linux and Mac OS X. SWD seems a much simpler protocol than JTAG in terms of connection to the target requiring only 3 wires and a direct 1-1 connection. All tools are fully open source, no code size limits, no popups. The link to the PDF ishttp://www.omnima.co.uk/forums/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=147
.2011-10-02 9:21 AM
2011-10-03 11:18 AM
Take a look at
.2011-10-03 11:28 PM
''Take a look at
.'' Is that a recommendation based on experience, or are you just noting that it exists?2011-10-04 2:17 PM
That is not a recommendation but information to look at.
For instance, it is listed .