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NUCLEO-L4R5ZI USB Host standalone HID and MSC application example not working

VK Verma


I found many bugs in the given application example like

1) Wrong clock configuration, which lead to hard fault error

2) Wrong ports configuration, which is not enabling USB Host port power

and many more unknown due to which HID keyboard is not communicating,

I resolved the above two mentioned but unable to through it

If any one can help on this please put some light !!

Thanks and Best Regards,

VK Verma

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

For the HID issue, there is a patch for STM32F4, maybe it is applicable to L4 USBH library too.

Sorry, I do not have L4 so could not test it .

-- pa

VK Verma

Hi Pavel,

Thanks for your consideration !!

I have downloaded the patch but unable to apply it with existing cubeF4/L4.

I can see the difference in the modified functions mentioned in the patch ( with respect to existing cubeF4 framework but please tell me how to apply it.

I tried with STM32CubeMX help/apply_patch but it is looking for .zip file and declare this as an invalid patch file.

Thanks and Best Regards,

VK Verma

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Ok it looks like the L4 library is newer than F4, and these changes are already there. So, I don't know what causes the keyboard issue, sorry.

-- pa

VK Verma

Hi Pavel,

In fact your idea helped me and by modifying those files and resolving certain errors, I am able to get HID keyboard response.

Therefore I truly acknowledge your valuable inputs and covey my thanks to you.

Thanks and Best Regards,

VK verma