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Nucleo F767ZI - COM port over Jlink

Nissan Aloni
Associate II


I've upgraded my on board debugger from ST-link to J-link.

Everything works as expected and I'm able to burn the flash and debug.

However, when I used on board ST-link I was also able to connect to the board with PUTTY and direct my stdin/stdout to the serial port.

Now this functionality is seem to be disabled / removed.

Any idea if J-Link allows COM PORT over USB similar to ST-LINK?



Not sure, perhaps Segger doesn't implement such functionality. Could you use the SWV for input/output?

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Nissan Aloni
Associate II


Seems like JLINK do open a COM PORT - I saw it in device manager.

THe problem was the default baudrate and configuration.

Once fixed - I was able to use stdin/stdout via PUTTY.
