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NUCLEO-F722ZE I2C2 in slave mode doesn't work nothing.

Associate III


I am using NUCLEO -F722ZE board for testing the STM32F7 and their peripheral features. Other peripherals I tested works fine, but I have encountered a problem with I2C2 in slave mode, that doesn't send ACK when the master calls it (status flags keeps idle too).

STM32 core and AHB/APB buses are working at maximum speed (216MHz, 108MHz, etc...).

Here is the code:

// 1st configuring RCC, GPIO, and reset for enable I2C2:

RCC->APB1ENR=0x3040000B;      // I2C2 (and others) clocked

RCC->APB1RSTR=0xE2F7CBFF;   // Reset I2C2

RCC->APB1RSTR&=0xCFBFFFF4; // Free reset of I2C2

GPIOB->MODER=0x55A55555;     // PB10 PB11 in alternate function

GPIOB->OTYPER=0x00000C00;    // PB10 PB11 open drain

GPIOB->ODR=0x00001C00;           // PB10=Higo PB11=High preventively

GPIOB->PUPDR=0x00000000;      // No pullups (I use external ones)

GPIOB->AFR[1]=0x00004400;       // PB10=I2C2_SCL, PB11=I2C2_SDA

// I2C2 config as Slave at addres 0x0B:

I2C2->CR1&=~I2C_CR1_PE;          // preventively disable peri

I2C2->OAR1=0x00008016;            // 7-bit addr is 0x0B

I2C2->CR1=0x0003107E;               // Some ints enabled (I tried other configs for this register)

I2C2->CR1|=I2C_CR1_PE;               // Finally, enable peripheral

That is the simpliest config can I do. With this, I2C2 must ACK at their call, but this is the result:


Please, don't take care with low level of SCL at end, things of the master, but see the 9th bit is NACK.

Can somebody help me? Thanks.


Accepted Solutions
Associate III

Guys, forget this post. The problem was a briken trak in PCB. Sorry for the disturbances.

I levae the post for help other people. Configuring code works fine.

View solution in original post

Associate III

Guys, forget this post. The problem was a briken trak in PCB. Sorry for the disturbances.

I levae the post for help other people. Configuring code works fine.