2022-11-26 1:39 AM
We are using STM32U575VGT6 and declared some variables in SRAM4 region of MCU. But not able to see the values in watch or memory view of IAR IDE.
Debug further and found that STM32U5xxxG.ddf file do not define address zones for SRAM4 region.
If we add the SRAM4 region in .ddf file then we are able to see the SRAM4 data in watch and memory view.
downloaded latest IDE_Patches from gitHub - STM32CubeU5/Utilities/PC_Software/IDEs_Patches/EWARM/EWARMv8_STM32U57x-58x_V1.3.zip
But same issue.
Can you please fix this in next release so that we would not require to add SRAM4 region manually in .ddf file.
Thanks in Advance !!
2022-11-28 1:33 AM
Hello @Akash Saini and welcome to the Community :)
I raised this issue internally for check and work in the Internal ticket ID 139850.
(PS: ID 139850, this is an internal tracking number and is not accessible or usable by customers)
2023-01-09 4:05 AM