2018-01-28 10:27 PM
We are using STM32L151VCT6A-ND IC in devices; where I observed that in some of the ICs pin PA13 (JTMS-SWDIO) is low and not able to detect the MCU. Could anyone please help me to solve this issue.
2018-01-29 2:45 AM
To enable this pin you can follow this thread:
2018-01-30 3:05 AM
I was not able to connect to the ST-Link; 'No target connected' Error message is displaying.
Pin PA13 (JTMS-SWDIO) is low. Is it possible to make it pull-high?
Even I have tried making pin PA13 pull-up externally..
2018-01-30 3:10 AM
Have you tried to enter DFU - I mean embedded bootloader firmware where the SWD pin is enabled?
2018-02-01 9:22 PM
Yes, Tried to upgrade firmware; but it failed.
By default itself SWD pin is low ( might be disabled)2018-02-01 11:26 PM
Is this custom board? Was it working before? Is the ST-link works with another board? Cable replaced?
The link above assumed that the problem is wrongly programmed MCU (prohibited certain pins) - it happens often when you generate code through CubeMX.
2018-02-05 2:13 AM
No, it was not working before. Changed the cable and checked.
With the same design we have done almost 150 boards in that nearly 20 boards(MCU) are not working.
ST-link works for other boards.