2009-05-18 7:58 AM
New Library Compatible with CMSIS - Comments
2011-05-17 4:06 AM
Hi all,
I would like to share with you and get your usual valuable feedbacks/ comments regarding The Migration of our Firmware Library to a new version 3.0.x Compatible with CMSIS [Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard] The electronics industry is based on standards �? standards that enable the development of ever more advanced technology that is adopted and used by system designers around the world. The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) provides a single standard across all Cortex-Mx processor series vendors. It enables code re-use and code sharing across software projects and reduces time-to-market for new embedded applications. We have provided the 1st release of the CMSIS Peripheral Access Layer for STM32F10x device family :http://www.onarm.com/download/files/cmsis_stm32f10x_v3.0.0rc1.zip
The package contains: * All the peripheral register's definitions, bits definitions and memory mapping for STM32F10x High Density, Medium Density and Low Density devices. * Device Peripheral Access Layer Source/Header File providing the CMSIS standard functions for system initialization (Clocks and External Memory). * Startup Files for STM32F10x High Density, Medium Density and Low Density devices. The complete version will come soon and will be widely available to public on our web sites too. For more details about CMSIS refer to I would be pleased to listen to your comments or points so we can take into account as we did in the past : Migration from v1.x to v2.0.x Many thanks in advance ! Cheers, STOne-32. [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 11-03-2009 20:51 ]2011-05-17 4:06 AM
Hi Moderator:
The link does not work. That is, both the View and Save buttons are ghosted. Attempting to access the link does not expose the V3 files. I think it might be an ''ACCESS DENIED 403'' type of error. Please investigate and let me know how to proceed. Thanks, Garry.2011-05-17 4:06 AM
the link worked for me
that new ultra low power bare bones Cortex M0 looks interesting too! doesn't look like ST licensed it though, too bad...2011-05-17 4:06 AM
Hi Obtronix:
Thank you for your reply. Based upon your positive feedback, I just tried the link again, from a different computer on a different ISP, and now it works. Sorry for the false alarm, and I am happy that you replied so soon. Garry.2011-05-17 4:06 AM
This ia a great news. However, I'm a little concerned: The CMSIS seems to define only UART+SPI+Ethernet. Will the FWLIB contains the necessary parts for all of the STM32 Peripheral? Will the other peripheral libs be based on drafts of oncomming CMSIS interface, or proprietary implementations? Who else than ST agreed to follow CMSIS in the near future?2011-05-17 4:06 AM
Would it be possible to move/fix the definition of the HSE frequency. I'm using RIDE and it means if I want to use the built in library I have to recompile it for every project that has a different crystal.
Don't suppose there is a workaround for the v2 library atm?2011-05-17 4:06 AM
Dear all Forums Users,
We are pleased to announce you that we will release Today the complete version of the New Std Peripheral Library 3.0.0 and New USB Library 3.0.0 ''CMSIS'' standard compliant with full drivers and enhanced Documentation style upon your feedback and comment: 1) STM32F10xxx Standard Peripheral Library 3.0.0 2) STM32F10xxx USB Device Full Speed Library 3.0.0 3) A New Application Note to assist you while Migrating from 2.0.3 to 3.0.0 versions Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 4:06 AM
The link for the Standard Peripheral Library 3.0.0 library downloads the older 2.0.3. Please let us know when this is fixed.2011-05-17 4:06 AM
working now
Cheers sjo