2023-11-22 11:47 AM
Hi everyone,
i'm currently facing some issues while using NetXDuo (in the NonSecure World) with TrustZone.
My current goal: Use Network stuff, i.e. be able to ping the board from my PC with NetXDuo running in the NonSecure World with activated TrustZone.
With an empty project, i do the following steps and assign the ETH to the NS world. Apart from that, the project is empty.
The steps are more or less taken from this example.
- ETH: `RMII` mode. Set RxBuffLen to `1536`
- ICACHE: (optional to disable the IDE warnings) `2-ways set associative cache` mode
- ThreadX: `Core`
- NetXDuo: NX Core, DHCP Client, Network Interfaces > Ethernet Interfacea and LAN8472. In the configuration:
- Platform Settings > chose lan8742 for both options
- Enable Interface Capability true
- Memory Pool Size 30 * 1024
- Generate Init Code true
- IP Instance Thread Size 2 * 1024
- Pool Size in number of Packets 10
- Application Thread Stack Size 2 * 1024
- NVIC: Enable Ethernet Global Interrupt to Preemption Prio 7
- SYS: Timebase Source TIM6
- RCC: Enable High Speed Clock > DIGBYPASS Clock Source
- Pinout: Set Pin PG12 to `ETH_TXD1`. (By doing this, PG14 should be cleared)
If i run the project like this, the wati until an IP Address is ready semaphore get in app_netxduo.c does not return to TX_SUCCESS, i.e. the board is not pingable.
What kinda confuses me is that if i do the steps above in an Project without TrustZone, everything works.
Anyone got an idea what might be my issue? I also tried to compare the .ioc files by hand in an editor and did not spot anything what might be a problem.
I'd appreciate any help or hints :)
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-12-07 2:06 AM
i finally managed to get it working! Thanks @STea for your help, I really appreciate it.
Steps to get it working:
Start Board Project with Trustzone enabled
Firmware Version v1.1.1
Clear pinout
RxBuffLen 1536
Set Pin PG12 to ETH_TXD1 (By doing this, PG14 should be cleared)
NX Core
Addons > DHCP > Client
Network Interfaces > Ethernet interface, Ethernet Phy Interface > LAN8742
Platform Settings > both lan8742
Enable Interface Capability true
memory pool size 30 * 1024
Genreate Init Code true
IP Instance Thread Size 2 * 1024
Pool Size in number of Packets 10
Application Thread Stack Size 2 * 1024
Ethernet global Interupt > Enable, Preemption Priority 7
Timebase Source TIM6 (Assign TIM6 to NS before)
High speed Clock DIGBYPASS Clock source
Block-Based Memory Controller > MPCBB3 (SRAM3) > Memory Privilege Attributes Settings > Configure Memory > from full Not privileged
(Setting the whole SRAM3 to not priviliged might not be the best idea from an security standpoint if you do other stuff on the board)
Manual change in Secure/Core/Inc/partition_stm32h573xx.h:
Set the 10th bit in NVIC_INIT_ITNS3_VAL (in my case line 554), so the line should look like this:
`#define NVIC_INIT_ITNS3_VAL 0x00000400`
IMPORTANT: After each code-generation check if the bit is still set or overwritten by the code-generation.
Build and run like normal trustzone project e.g. described here https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeH5/tree/main/Projects/STM32H573I-DK/Examples/GTZC/GTZC_MPCWM_IllegalAccess_TrustZone
You should now be able to ping the board!
One last question:
I need to manually change the Pinlayout of ETH to get it working, i.e. assign ETH_TXD1 to PG12.
Additionally my issue with the Interrupt where i manually need to set a bit in the files.
Are these known issues or can I report them somewhere?
Same goes for the MPCBB config, i understand that you might expect developers to do this by themselfs, but a small note when assigning ETH to NonSecure would be really nice as debugging this is kinda pain.
Again, thanks for your help.
2023-11-23 6:26 AM
Hello @funkii ,
2023-11-23 9:32 AM
thank you for your reply!
My starting point is an completely empty TrustZone project. Besides the steps in the original post i do not modify anything (except for the for(;;); loops in nx_app_thread_entry()).
So for 1) I'm not really sure what you mean, so I uploaded my NonSecure main.c here. It only does the basic Init stuff and then calls ThreadX with "MX_ThreadX_Init()"
For 2) I dont really do anything in the Secure Part besides the auto-generated init stuff. I also uploaded the secure main.c here
3) I'm not 100% sure if I'm in the nonsecure state, but I did not add any context switch to the secure state, so the board should definitely be in the nonsecure state. As this 'just works' with deactivated TrustZone i supposed that i do not need to modify anything else. What do you mean with "if it's the case are you sure that you are passing the tx_application_define() function successfully"?, could you explain this?
4) The callback function never gets executed (tested with the debugger). For debugging reasons I added an infinite loop in the error case (Without that loop, i cannot ping the board aswell). I also tried to incrase the timeout in tx_semaphore_get() without success. I marked the spot where the execution lands in my nx_app_thread_entry
So as stated earlier, I only let the IDE auto-generate the code after choosing the options in the starting point.
If this helps, I also uploaded my .ioc file .
I'd appreciate it if you could get into detail about what you mean in 3).
2023-11-27 5:35 AM
Hello @funkii ,
The documents that you added in your previous post can't be opened so i suggest you upload them directly into the thread in the community.
Passing now to he the third point of my previous post if are able to debug and point to the tx_application_define() and see its execution that confirms that you are in a non secure state because this code is found in the non secure project.
after giving it some thought i recommend you check the memory mapping to see if there is any secure region overlapping an non secure one and i also recommend verifying that the gpio pins of the Ethernet are assigned to the non secure project for sure as well as the other peripherals like the timer.
check if you can the address of the semaphore blocking your project if it is in a secure or non secure memory page.
check if there is any security enabled on the flash like MPU for example .
waiting for some details on your configuration and code to help you further.
2023-11-27 7:18 AM
sorry for the problem with the links, but when i click on them they take me to pastebin.
I additionally uploaded the ioc file here. I cannot upload all files in this post because of character restriction... The main.c of secure and nonsecure world are only the autogenerated files anyways, so i think the ioc file should be enough.
ioc file:
#MicroXplorer Configuration settings - do not modify CAD.formats= CAD.pinconfig= CAD.provider= CORTEX_M33_NS.userName=CORTEX_M33 CortexM33NS.IPs=CORTEX_M33_NS\:I,FILEX\:I,GPDMA1,GPDMA2,GPIO\:I,GTZC_NS\:I,LEVELX\:I,LINKEDLIST,NETXDUO\:I,NVIC2\:I,PWR,RCC,RTC,SYS\:I,TAMP,THREADX\:I,USBX\:I,SECURE_MANAGER_API\:I,ETH\:I,TIM6\:I CortexM33NS.Pins=PH0-OSC_IN(PH0) CortexM33S.IPs=CORTEX_M33_S\:I,GPDMA1\:I,GPDMA2\:I,GPIO,GTZC_S\:I,LINKEDLIST\:I,NVIC1\:I,OTFDEC1\:I,PWR\:I,RCC\:I,RTC\:I,SYS_S\:I,TAMP\:I,ICACHE\:I,ADC1\:I,ADC2\:I,SAI1\:I,SAI2\:I,I2C4\:I,DEBUG\:I,FMC\:I,USB\:I,USART1\:I,SDMMC1\:I,TIM1\:I,OCTOSPI1\:I,SPI5\:I,UCPD1\:I,I2C1\:I,USART3\:I,SAU\:I,MEMORYMAP\:I ETH.IPParameters=MediaInterface,RxBuffLen ETH.MediaInterface=HAL_ETH_RMII_MODE ETH.RxBuffLen=1536 File.Version=6 GPIO.groupedBy=Group By Peripherals GTZC_S.ADC_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.FMC_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.I2C1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.I2C4_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.IPParameters=MPCBB3_SecConfig_array,ADC_Secure,FMC_Secure,I2C1_Secure,I2C4_Secure,OCTOSPI1_Secure,SAI1_Secure,SAI2_Secure,SDMMC1_Secure,SPI5_Secure,TIM1_Secure,UCPD1_Secure,USART1_Secure,USART3_Secure,USB_Secure GTZC_S.MPCBB3_SecConfig_array=00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000\:00000000 GTZC_S.OCTOSPI1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.SAI1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.SAI2_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.SDMMC1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.SPI5_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.TIM1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.UCPD1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.USART1_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.USART3_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC GTZC_S.USB_Secure=GTZC_TZSC_PERIPH_SEC KeepUserPlacement=false Mcu.CPN=STM32H573IIK3Q Mcu.Context0=CortexM33S Mcu.Context1=CortexM33NS Mcu.ContextNb=2 Mcu.ContextProject=TrustZoneEnabled Mcu.Family=STM32H5 Mcu.IP0=CORTEX_M33_NS Mcu.IP1=CORTEX_M33_S Mcu.IP10=SYS Mcu.IP11=SYS_S Mcu.IP12=THREADX Mcu.IP2=ETH Mcu.IP3=GTZC_S Mcu.IP4=ICACHE Mcu.IP5=NETXDUO Mcu.IP6=NVIC2 Mcu.IP7=NVIC1 Mcu.IP8=PWR Mcu.IP9=RCC Mcu.IPNb=13 Mcu.Name=STM32H573IIKxQ Mcu.Package=UFBGA176 Mcu.Pin0=PG12 Mcu.Pin1=PG13 Mcu.Pin10=VP_GTZC_S_VS_GTZC_Enable Mcu.Pin11=VP_ICACHE_VS_SECURE_ICACHE_REG Mcu.Pin12=VP_NETXDUO_VS_NXOoCore Mcu.Pin13=VP_NETXDUO_VS_AddonsOoDHCP Mcu.Pin14=VP_NETXDUO_VS_NetworkOoInterface Mcu.Pin15=VP_NETXDUO_VS_EthernetOoPhyOoInterface Mcu.Pin16=VP_PWR_VS_SECSignals Mcu.Pin17=VP_SYS_VS_tim6 Mcu.Pin18=VP_SYS_S_VS_Systick Mcu.Pin19=VP_THREADX_VS_RTOSJjThreadXJjCoreJjDefault Mcu.Pin2=PG11 Mcu.Pin3=PH0-OSC_IN(PH0) Mcu.Pin4=PC1 Mcu.Pin5=PA1 Mcu.Pin6=PA2 Mcu.Pin7=PC4 Mcu.Pin8=PC5 Mcu.Pin9=PA7 Mcu.PinsNb=20 Mcu.ThirdPartyNb=0 Mcu.UserConstants= Mcu.UserName=STM32H573IIKxQ MxCube.Version=6.9.2 MxDb.Version=DB.6.0.92 NETXDUO.ETH_ON=1 NETXDUO.IPParameters=ETH_ON,LAN_8742,NX_ENABLE_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY,NX_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE,NetXDuo_Generate_Init_Code,NX_APP_IP_INSTANCE_THREAD_SIZE,NX_APP_PACKET_POOL_SIZE,NX_APP_THREAD_STACK_SIZE NETXDUO.LAN_8742=1 NETXDUO.NX_APP_IP_INSTANCE_THREAD_SIZE=2*1024 NETXDUO.NX_APP_MEM_POOL_SIZE=30*1024 NETXDUO.NX_APP_PACKET_POOL_SIZE=10 NETXDUO.NX_APP_THREAD_STACK_SIZE=2*1024 NETXDUO.NX_ENABLE_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY=true NETXDUO.NetXDuo_Generate_Init_Code=true NVIC1.BFHFNMINS=0 NVIC1.BusFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.DebugMonitor_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.ForceEnableDMAVector=true NVIC1.HardFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.MemoryManagement_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.NonMaskableInt_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.PRIS=0 NVIC1.PendSV_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.PriorityGroup=NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4 NVIC1.SVCall_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.SecureFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC1.SysTick_IRQn=true\:15\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:true\:false NVIC1.UsageFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false NVIC2.BFHFNMINS=0 NVIC2.ETH_IRQn=true\:7\:0\:true\:false\:true\:false\:true\:true\:true NVIC2.ForceEnableDMAVector=true NVIC2.MemoryManagement_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false\:false NVIC2.PRIS=0 NVIC2.PendSV_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false NVIC2.PriorityGroup=NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_4 NVIC2.SVCall_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false NVIC2.SavedPendsvIrqHandlerGenerated=true NVIC2.SavedSvcallIrqHandlerGenerated=true NVIC2.SavedSystickIrqHandlerGenerated=true NVIC2.SysTick_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:false\:false\:false\:true\:false NVIC2.TIM6_IRQn=true\:15\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:true\:true NVIC2.TimeBase=TIM6_IRQn NVIC2.TimeBaseIP=TIM6 NVIC2.UsageFault_IRQn=true\:0\:0\:false\:false\:true\:false\:false\:false\:false NetXDuo.BSP.number=1 NetXDuo0.BSP.STBoard=false NetXDuo0.BSP.api=BSP_COMPONENT_DRIVER NetXDuo0.BSP.component=lan8742 NetXDuo0.BSP.condition= NetXDuo0.BSP.instance=lan8742 NetXDuo0.BSP.ip= NetXDuo0.BSP.mode= NetXDuo0.BSP.name=LAN_Component NetXDuo0.BSP.semaphore=SEMA_lan8742 NetXDuo0.BSP.solution=lan8742 PA1.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PA1.Mode=RMII PA1.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PA1.Signal=ETH_REF_CLK PA2.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PA2.Mode=RMII PA2.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PA2.Signal=ETH_MDIO PA7.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PA7.Mode=RMII PA7.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PA7.Signal=ETH_CRS_DV PC1.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PC1.Mode=RMII PC1.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PC1.Signal=ETH_MDC PC4.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PC4.Mode=RMII PC4.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PC4.Signal=ETH_RXD0 PC5.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PC5.Mode=RMII PC5.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PC5.Signal=ETH_RXD1 PG11.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PG11.Mode=RMII PG11.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PG11.Signal=ETH_TX_EN PG12.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PG12.Locked=true PG12.Mode=RMII PG12.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PG12.Signal=ETH_TXD1 PG13.GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PG13.Mode=RMII PG13.PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PG13.Signal=ETH_TXD0 PH0-OSC_IN(PH0).ContextOwner=CortexM33NS PH0-OSC_IN(PH0).GPIOParameters=PinAttribute PH0-OSC_IN(PH0).Mode=HSE-DIG-External-Clock-Source PH0-OSC_IN(PH0).PinAttribute=CortexM33NS PH0-OSC_IN(PH0).Signal=RCC_OSC_IN PinOutPanel.CurrentBGAView=Top PinOutPanel.RotationAngle=0 ProjectManager.AskForMigrate=true ProjectManager.BackupPrevious=false ProjectManager.CompilerOptimize=6 ProjectManager.ComputerToolchain=false ProjectManager.CoupleFile=false ProjectManager.CustomerFirmwarePackage= ProjectManager.DefaultFWLocation=true ProjectManager.DeletePrevious=true ProjectManager.DeviceId=STM32H573IIKxQ ProjectManager.FirmwarePackage=STM32Cube FW_H5 V1.1.1 ProjectManager.FreePins=false ProjectManager.HalAssertFull=false ProjectManager.HeapSize=M33S-0x200,M33NS-0x200 ProjectManager.KeepUserCode=true ProjectManager.LastFirmware=true ProjectManager.LibraryCopy=1 ProjectManager.MainLocation=Core/Src ProjectManager.NoMain=false ProjectManager.PreviousToolchain= ProjectManager.ProjectBuild=false ProjectManager.ProjectFileName=wip.ioc ProjectManager.ProjectName=wip ProjectManager.ProjectStructure=M33S\:Secure Project\:true;M33NS\:Non Secure Project\:true; ProjectManager.RegisterCallBack= ProjectManager.StackSize=M33S-0x400,M33NS-0x400 ProjectManager.TargetToolchain=STM32CubeIDE ProjectManager.ToolChainLocation= ProjectManager.UAScriptAfterPath= ProjectManager.UAScriptBeforePath= ProjectManager.UnderRoot=true ProjectManager.functionlistsort=1-SystemClock_Config-RCC-false-HAL-false-CortexM33S,2-MX_GPIO_Init-GPIO-false-HAL-true-CortexM33S,3-MX_GTZC_S_Init-GTZC_S-false-HAL-true-CortexM33S,4-MX_ICACHE_Init-ICACHE-false-HAL-true-CortexM33S,1-SystemClock_Config-RCC-false-HAL-false-CortexM33NS,2-MX_GPIO_Init-GPIO-false-HAL-true-CortexM33NS,3-MX_ETH_Init-ETH-false-HAL-true-CortexM33NS,4-MX_NetXDuo_Init-NETXDUO-false-HAL-false-CortexM33NS,0-MX_CORTEX_M33_S_Init-CORTEX_M33_S-false-HAL-true-CortexM33S,0-MX_PWR_Init-PWR-false-HAL-true-CortexM33S,0-MX_CORTEX_M33_NS_Init-CORTEX_M33_NS-false-HAL-true-CortexM33NS,0-MX_PWR_Init-PWR-false-HAL-true-CortexM33NS RCC.ADCFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.AHBFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.APB1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.APB1TimFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.APB2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.APB2TimFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.APB3Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.CECFreq_Value=32000 RCC.CKPERFreq_Value=64000000 RCC.CRSFreq_Value=48000000 RCC.CSI_VALUE=4000000 RCC.CortexFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.DACFreq_Value=32768 RCC.EPOD_VALUE=25000000 RCC.ETHFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.FCLKCortexFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.FDCANFreq_Value=25000000 RCC.FamilyName=M RCC.HCLKFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.HSE_VALUE=25000000 RCC.HSI48_VALUE=48000000 RCC.HSIDiv=RCC_HSI_DIV1 RCC.HSI_VALUE=64000000 RCC.I2C1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.I2C2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.I2C3Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.I2C4Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.I3C1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.IPParameters=ADCFreq_Value,AHBFreq_Value,APB1Freq_Value,APB1TimFreq_Value,APB2Freq_Value,APB2TimFreq_Value,APB3Freq_Value,CECFreq_Value,CKPERFreq_Value,CRSFreq_Value,CSI_VALUE,CortexFreq_Value,DACFreq_Value,EPOD_VALUE,ETHFreq_Value,FCLKCortexFreq_Value,FDCANFreq_Value,FamilyName,HCLKFreq_Value,HSE_VALUE,HSI48_VALUE,HSIDiv,HSI_VALUE,I2C1Freq_Value,I2C2Freq_Value,I2C3Freq_Value,I2C4Freq_Value,I3C1Freq_Value,LPTIM1Freq_Value,LPTIM2Freq_Value,LPTIM3Freq_Value,LPTIM4Freq_Value,LPTIM5Freq_Value,LPTIM6Freq_Value,LPUART1Freq_Value,LSCOPinFreq_Value,LSE_VALUE,LSIRC_VALUE,MCO1PinFreq_Value,MCO2PinFreq_Value,OCTOSPIMFreq_Value,PLL2FRACN,PLL2N,PLL2P,PLL2PoutputFreq_Value,PLL2QoutputFreq_Value,PLL2RoutputFreq_Value,PLL3PoutputFreq_Value,PLL3QoutputFreq_Value,PLL3RoutputFreq_Value,PLLM,PLLN,PLLPoutputFreq_Value,PLLQoutputFreq_Value,PLLSourceVirtual,PWRFreq_Value,RNGFreq_Value,RTCFreq_Value,SAI1Freq_Value,SAI2Freq_Value,SDMMC1Freq_Value,SDMMC2Freq_Value,SPI1Freq_Value,SPI2Freq_Value,SPI3Freq_Value,SPI4Freq_Value,SPI5Freq_Value,SPI6Freq_Value,SYSCLKFreq_VALUE,SYSCLKSource,UART12Freq_Value,UART4Freq_Value,UART5Freq_Value,UART7Freq_Value,UART8Freq_Value,UART9Freq_Value,UCPD1outputFreq_Value,USART10Freq_Value,USART11Freq_Value,USART1Freq_Value,USART2Freq_Value,USART3Freq_Value,USART6Freq_Value,USBFreq_Value,VCOInput2Freq_Value,VCOInput3Freq_Value,VCOInputFreq_Value,VCOOutputFreq_Value,VCOPLL2OutputFreq_Value,VCOPLL3OutputFreq_Value RCC.LPTIM1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPTIM2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPTIM3Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPTIM4Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPTIM5Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPTIM6Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LPUART1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.LSCOPinFreq_Value=32000 RCC.LSE_VALUE=32768 RCC.LSIRC_VALUE=32000 RCC.MCO1PinFreq_Value=64000000 RCC.MCO2PinFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.OCTOSPIMFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.PLL2FRACN=0 RCC.PLL2N=32 RCC.PLL2P=1 RCC.PLL2PoutputFreq_Value=128000000 RCC.PLL2QoutputFreq_Value=64000000 RCC.PLL2RoutputFreq_Value=64000000 RCC.PLL3PoutputFreq_Value=258000000 RCC.PLL3QoutputFreq_Value=258000000 RCC.PLL3RoutputFreq_Value=258000000 RCC.PLLM=5 RCC.PLLN=100 RCC.PLLPoutputFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.PLLQoutputFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.PLLSourceVirtual=RCC_PLL1_SOURCE_HSE RCC.PWRFreq_Value=250000000 RCC.RNGFreq_Value=48000000 RCC.RTCFreq_Value=32000 RCC.SAI1Freq_Value=128000000 RCC.SAI2Freq_Value=128000000 RCC.SDMMC1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SDMMC2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI3Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI4Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI5Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SPI6Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.SYSCLKFreq_VALUE=250000000 RCC.SYSCLKSource=RCC_SYSCLKSOURCE_PLLCLK RCC.UART12Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UART4Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UART5Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UART7Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UART8Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UART9Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.UCPD1outputFreq_Value=16000000 RCC.USART10Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USART11Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USART1Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USART2Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USART3Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USART6Freq_Value=250000000 RCC.USBFreq_Value=48000000 RCC.VCOInput2Freq_Value=4000000 RCC.VCOInput3Freq_Value=4000000 RCC.VCOInputFreq_Value=5000000 RCC.VCOOutputFreq_Value=500000000 RCC.VCOPLL2OutputFreq_Value=128000000 RCC.VCOPLL3OutputFreq_Value=516000000 VP_GTZC_S_VS_GTZC_Enable.Mode=GTZC_Enable VP_GTZC_S_VS_GTZC_Enable.Signal=GTZC_S_VS_GTZC_Enable VP_ICACHE_VS_SECURE_ICACHE_REG.Mode=ICACHE_REG_Not_Secured VP_ICACHE_VS_SECURE_ICACHE_REG.Signal=ICACHE_VS_SECURE_ICACHE_REG VP_NETXDUO_VS_AddonsOoDHCP.Mode=Addons_DHCP_Client VP_NETXDUO_VS_AddonsOoDHCP.Signal=NETXDUO_VS_AddonsOoDHCP VP_NETXDUO_VS_EthernetOoPhyOoInterface.Mode=LAN8742_Phy_Interface VP_NETXDUO_VS_EthernetOoPhyOoInterface.Signal=NETXDUO_VS_EthernetOoPhyOoInterface VP_NETXDUO_VS_NXOoCore.Mode=NX_Core VP_NETXDUO_VS_NXOoCore.Signal=NETXDUO_VS_NXOoCore VP_NETXDUO_VS_NetworkOoInterface.Mode=Ethernet_Interface VP_NETXDUO_VS_NetworkOoInterface.Signal=NETXDUO_VS_NetworkOoInterface VP_PWR_VS_SECSignals.Mode=Security/Privilege VP_PWR_VS_SECSignals.Signal=PWR_VS_SECSignals VP_SYS_S_VS_Systick.Mode=SysTick VP_SYS_S_VS_Systick.Signal=SYS_S_VS_Systick VP_SYS_VS_tim6.Mode=TIM6 VP_SYS_VS_tim6.Signal=SYS_VS_tim6 VP_THREADX_VS_RTOSJjThreadXJjCoreJjDefault.Mode=Core_Default VP_THREADX_VS_RTOSJjThreadXJjCoreJjDefault.Signal=THREADX_VS_RTOSJjThreadXJjCoreJjDefault board=STM32H573I-DK boardIOC=true isbadioc=false
Passing now to he the third point of my previous post if are able to debug and point to the tx_application_define() and see its execution that confirms that you are in a non secure state because this code is found in the non secure project.
If I set a breakpoint there, it the execution gets hold. So I do enter this function.
after giving it some thought i recommend you check the memory mapping to see if there is any secure region overlapping an non secure one and i also recommend verifying that the gpio pins of the Ethernet are assigned to the non secure project for sure as well as the other peripherals like the timer.
I double checked this a few times, everything is assigned to the NS world. (Also see the ioc file above, i hope i did not miss anything)
check if you can the address of the semaphore blocking your project if it is in a secure or non secure memory page.
check if there is any security enabled on the flash like MPU for example .
waiting for some details on your configuration and code to help you further.
I can access it. I think the problem here is that the callback function ip_address_change_notify_callback() never gets called (observed by setting a breakpoint at function entry)
MPU is for both secure and nonsecure disabled (MPU NOT USED). What might be a problem is that i did not change anything for the GTZC config. But i suppose if the problem would be an access violation of some kind the execution would land in the hardfault handler of the secure world, so I dont think that is the case.
I appreciate your effort to help me! Thank you
2023-11-27 8:49 AM
hELLO @funkii ,
Could you check if the preemption priority of the Ethernet global interrupt in your msp.c in your non secure project and try and change it maybe.
to further pinpoint the problem i recommend you start a new ioc file and implement the project from scratch and try every feature one by one because i think this is related to preemption priorities given by the threadx which can be not inline with the new NVIC 1 and NVIC 2 attribution causing you to not ever enter the callback were the semaphore is given .
try and check if there is any interference in the priority attribution between the Ethernet and the threadx defined interrupts .
2023-11-27 10:14 AM
Hi @STea,
i understand that a problem with the Interrupts could be the issue.
Could you check if the preemption priority of the Ethernet global interrupt in your msp.c in your non secure project and try and change it maybe.
I suppose you mean the file stm32h5x_hal_msp.c, i tried to change the following line there:
HAL_NVIC_SetPriority(ETH_IRQn, 7, 0);
I used the values 0, 7, and 15 for the second and third argument, sadly with no change.
to further pinpoint the problem i recommend you start a new ioc file and implement the project from scratch and try every feature one by one because i think this is related to preemption priorities given by the threadx which can be not inline with the new NVIC 1 and NVIC 2 attribution causing you to not ever enter the callback were the semaphore is given .
try and check if there is any interference in the priority attribution between the Ethernet and the threadx defined interrupts .
I'm not really sure if you meant that, but I tried to completely disable the interrupts in a project with disabled TrustZone (that works with enabled Interrupts). After disabling the interrupts, the same behavior can be observed.
So i guess my problem of the initial post is somehow caused by an issues with interrupts.
Because playing around with the interrupt priority did not change anything, do you have any suggestions what I could do? I could use another networkstack that does not rely on interrupts but only on polling, maybe that fixes that problem (Polling mode might be ugly but could work for my usecase). Do you think that might be an good idea?
Again, thanks for your help.
2023-11-28 2:58 AM
Hi @funkii ,
regarding your suggestion i do not recommend switching to a pooling mode as the interrupts are the cornerstone of any real-time system and this can affect the handling other tasks in the application .
For now i recommend you further investigate on the priority attribution for the callback and what should trigger it in the project without Trustzone enabled to identify the root cause preventing the callback from executing i will further investigate on this issue i'll keep you updated .
2023-11-28 12:32 PM
Hi @STea ,
I observed some weird interrupt behavior.
I currently have two projects, one without Trustzone, one with Trustzone enabled. They are configured the same way using the steps in the initial post (except assigning everything to the NS world in the TZ enabled version. Also I set the option bytes accordingly if I switch projects).
If I set a breakpoint in the "stm32h5xx_it.c" file, in the function ETH_IRQHandler(), the execution in the TZ enabled Project never holds, i.e. never reaches this point so the something is definitely wrong with the interrupts...
In contrast, in the project without TrustZone, the breakpoint gets reached as expected.
I'll keep you updated on any news.
2023-11-29 9:33 AM - edited 2023-11-30 3:53 AM
some more observations while debugging further:
I created three Projects. In every one of them I first cleared the pinout, set the High Speed Clock under the RCC to DIGBYPASS Clock Source, enabled Ethernet to 'RMII' mode, activated the Ethernet global interrupt to preemption priority 7 and set the Pin PG12 to ETH_TXD1. Additionally I set a breakpoint in the stm32h5xx_it.c in the Ethernet Interrupt handler (In the two projects with enabled TrustZone, I set the breakpoints in the 'World' which the Ethernet is assigned to).
In 1) and 3), as expected, the breakpoint gets triggered.
In 2) the breakpoint does not get triggered for some reason.
Does anyone have a clue why this is the case? Between switching from TZ enabled/disabled I only set the following option bytes as follows:
- TZEN=0xB4
- SECWM1_PSTRT=0x0 SECWM1_PEND=0x7F meaning all 128 pages of Bank1 set as secure
- SECWM2_PSTRT=0x1 SECWM2_PEND=0x0 meaning no page of Bank2 set as secure, hence Bank2 non-secure
I wrote above that the breakpoint in 1) and 3) gets triggered, which is the case.
For some reason the Interrupt gets only called once. The Interrupt is because of an DMA Error, the DMAErrorCode gets set to ETH_DMACSR_RBU and ETH_DMACSR_AIS... Im not really sure what this means, but i guess its some kind of configuration bug because i just call HAL_ETH_Start_IT() and doesnt really matter for the initial problem.