2019-06-10 10:05 AM
I'm a newbie to all of this. I purchased an STM32F1038C8T6 development board or "Blue Pill" recently.
I connected it to my PC Windows Using a Usart to serial converter.
I read that I should put one of the BOOT Jumpers in the one position to enter programming mode. I did that and reset the module, but PC13 won't stop blinking. I tried all combinations of boot jumpers but nothing stopped the blinking led. So I got over this put it in programming mode (PC13 Still Blinking rapidly) and tried to upload a sketch. I get the message that it failed to init the device.
Spent a week trying to solve this but to no avail.
Please help
Kamal Ayoub
2019-06-10 11:51 AM
It will have difficulty entering the boot mode if you have a lot of stray signals on the pins it is looking for data on.
BOOT0 High should put it in ST's ROM loader, you should see USB come up as an STM32 in DFU Mode, and you'd use the STM32 Cube Programmer software to program a .BIN or .HEX file.
The Blue Pill has its own loader, this is likely what the sketch upload is looking for.
Does the seller of this board not provided support?
You could always attach a JTAG/SWD pod and program with that.
2019-06-10 12:04 PM
Hey! thankyou for your reply!
Even when I put BOOT0 high the PC still doesn't read it as stm32 in dfu mode.
Bit of a newbie here is the JTAG/SWD like the ST-Link ? The one I connect to the separate pins on the stm32?
2019-06-10 3:18 PM
The USB to serial is the preferred way to program the Blue Pill. Check you have your PC drivers recognising it first.
2019-06-10 5:47 PM
2019-06-10 9:50 PM
You might want to ask the STM32duino people. There is the new forum: https://mcu.selfip.com/
2019-06-11 1:16 AM
SWDIO and SWCLK are on PA13 and PA14 so aren't on the main BluePill pins but on that 4 pin end connector. RST is on a pin so you can wire this up with some sort of adapter if you prefer.
2019-11-01 12:03 PM
Sorry for my awfull english, hope you understand. I had the same problem (led don't stop blinking, don't enter in programming mode) When I measure BOOT0 on BOOT0 pin of the chip I get 1v. That was not enough for a high level. There is a resistor ( R3 in my PCB ) of 100k between BOOT0 pin of chip and BOOT0 of the jumper. I replace 100k with 10k and the problem was solved. Hope I help you
2020-09-12 5:43 AM
I am also getting the same problem with the board i spend about 3 hours to find out and the issue is there is 100k resistor between PC2 n boot1 pin also between (microcontroller)boot0 n (board)boot0 pin
I removed them and make direct connection now it works just fine
I dont know why they have added those stupid useless resistors
Wasted my 3hours!!
2020-09-25 11:00 PM
Your trick of removing R3 and R4 and shorting the gaps worked for me. Both were 100k whereas in the other working BluePills i have, these were 10k. Thanks for the solution.