2021-06-03 07:03 AM
I work with SAM3X8E microcontroller (datasheet : https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/Atmel-11057-32-bit-Cortex-M3-Microcontroller-SAM3X-SAM3A_Datasheet.pdf, page 676 to 707 for SPI)
I want to make a multi transfer bytes thanks to SPI Bus. I initialize my CS as a GPIO to control it manually. My CS, MOSI and CLK works well but my MISO always return me 0...
This is some screen of the signals :
This is my initialization of the SPI Bus :
/* Configure an SPI peripheral. */
spi_set_peripheral_chip_select_value(SPI0, SPI_CHIP_SEL);
/* data samples on rising edge because Polarity = Phase = 0 */
spi_set_clock_polarity(SPI0, SPI_CHIP_SEL, SPI_CLK_POLARITY);
spi_set_clock_phase(SPI0, SPI_CHIP_SEL, SPI_CLK_PHASE);
spi_set_bits_per_transfer(SPI0, SPI_CHIP_SEL, SPI_CSR_BITS_8_BIT);
spi_set_baudrate_div(SPI0, SPI_CHIP_SEL, (sysclk_get_peripheral_hz() / gs_ul_spi_clock));
This is the code of my multi tranfer bytes :
uint8_t ftData8;
EVE_cs_set(); //CS at 0
spi_transmit_32(...); //Make 4 spi_transmit(...)
ftData8 = spi_receive(0x00); /* read data byte by sending another dummy byte */
EVE_cs_clear(); //CS at 1
return ftData8; /* return byte read */
And this is the code of my function spi_transmit(...) :
static inline uint8_t spi_transmit(uint8_t data)
while ((SPI0->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TDRE) == 0);
spi_write(SPI0, data, SPI_CHIP_SEL, 0);
while ((SPI0->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_RDRF) == 0);
uint8_t data_read, Chip_Sel_read;
spi_read(SPI0, &data_read, &Chip_Sel_read);
return data_read;
Can you see where is the problem ?
PS :
I have a screen of a workwell MISO (in the same case) if you want to see how it's should looks like :
2021-06-07 04:08 AM
Ok thank you guys for your help ! I will write the answer of my problem here when I will find it.
2021-06-07 07:40 AM
I found the solution of my problem. Everithing work thanks to this function :
static inline uint8_t transmission(uint8_t data, uint8_t reception)
spi_write(SPI0, data, SPI_CHIP_SEL, 0);
while ((SPI0->SPI_SR & SPI_SR_TDRE) == SPI_SR_TDRE);
uint8_t data_read, Chip_Sel_read;
spi_read(SPI0, &data_read, &Chip_Sel_read);
//return 0;
return data_read;
uint8_t poubelle_data, poubelle_CS;
spi_read(SPI0, &poubelle_data, &poubelle_CS);
return 1;