2017-10-23 2:56 AM
I suggest to move relevant/related projects (STM32CubeMX, HAL, LL libraries, etc?) to github.
Reasons:1. It is (arguably) one of the best places to host opensource projects.
2. It has greatissue tracker
3. Thus, it is easy to report a bug, ask a question, and suggest a feature, and track the progress on these. At least, it is easier compared to making a post on the forum and hoping it won't get lost4. Other people can 'vote' on the issues, thus making those issues which are more important to the community, more visible to project managers5. People who encounter an issue, can provide a solution via a pull request. Thus, decreasing mean time between registering an issue and solving it.6.???What do you think?2017-10-27 1:22 AM
Hello Nikolay,
Your proposal is perfectly valid and I can confirm that we are preparing a new model of publication of our FW packages and components to GitHub in the coming months
As today in st.com (and in complement) you will find from Q2-2018 in a GitHub organization the STM32Cube firmware packages (STM32CubeF4, STM32CubeL4 ...) that you will be able to get either as Git project or simply downloaded as a zip.. The main advantage of GitHub is that, even for zip packages, you will have access to all successive versions.
In complement, we will deliver also the firmware components (CMSIS Device, HAL, BSP, MWs) in a different GitHub organization for people willing to pick-up only individual modules.
The intent of this new publication model is to create a co-development spirit, to share ideas or proposals more easily as you mention.
In order to keep an efficient communication channel (we do not want to create confusion on the support model) we will support only the GitHub Pull Request feature : to propose a change request (thru a real and validated code) or to suggest an improvement/correction of our code). In this context, a direct exchange with ST developers will be possible (thru conversations pages)
But for any other communication (request for information, bug report , suggest a new feature...) we will continue to use the ST Community (the GitHub Issues will not be directly supported and will suggest to use ST Community).
A specific communication will be added in ST Community to inform everyone about GitHub publications and activity (proposing direct links to the GitHub servers)
ST Community will then continue to be the pivot of ST publications and software co-development activities.
Please note that, for the moment, the STM32CuMX tool is not considered to be pusblished in GitHub.
2017-10-27 4:02 AM
This is good news, thanks.
I'd suggest to add also the Snippets.