2017-11-13 10:24 PM
Hi I am looking for Opensource modbus library for STM32F207 processor.
I found freeModbus but it needs to be ported on STM32F207.
Is there any other modbus library available?
Has anyone already ported freeModbus library for STM32F207?
#stm32f #modbus2017-11-13 11:42 PM
I just found that freeModbus library is implements only slave. But I need master side implementation. Can someone help me which library can be used for Modbus master implementation
2017-11-14 12:06 AM
Hope this link can help you!
2017-11-14 8:45 PM
Thanks xu kao. I will have look.
2017-11-22 5:16 AM
I have query on License for this library.
freeModbus library is under BSD license and demo code is GPL.
This particular library on Git says license as GPL 2.0. But is it applicable for updated library or only for demo code?
Do you have any idea of license?