2015-07-21 11:15 PM
STM32F429I-Discovery demonstation application compiled with GCC sometimes hangs on release of a STemWin button.
It is due to a bug in k_bsp.c code in function k_TouchUpdate() which sends wrong coordinates when users lift pen from touch panel. I manage to fix the problem with the following modifications in line 118: Replace:if((ts.X != 0) && (ts.Y != 0))
with:if((ts.X != 0) && (ts.Y != 0)
&& ts.TouchDetected != 0) /* 08/07/2015: Fix WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED event missing */ Hope this can help!2015-07-23 8:11 AM
I cannot reproduce your issue, can you please tell me exactly where you are facing it?-Syrine-2015-07-28 2:21 PM
I compiled the demonstration program found is STM32CubeF4 firmware release 1.6.0, for STM32F429I-Discovery board, with GCC version 4.7.3 The demo runs fine except for one problem : when I click on a dialog button (for example in the Reversi game), the demo sometime freezes. This never happens with the binary provided with the firmware (STM32CubeDemo_STM32F429I-Discovery_1.2.1.hex). I found the source of this issue: when the stylus goes up from the touchscreen, wrong coordinates are returned to STemWin, causing the event WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED never be sent to the dialog window proc. The fix I propose ensure that the coordinates sent to stEmWin are correct when the stylus goes up. allowing the WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED to be generated normally. Christian Schoffit