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MIPI DSI - Which STM32 support what levels of resolution



Which microcontrollers with a MIPI DSI interface support resolutions higher than 480x800?

Chief II

Technicaly all, most with external RAM

ST Employee

Agreed, all of the STM32 MCU supporting the DSIHOST (ie F469, F769, H7's) can do resolutions this high and higher.

The 2-Lane methods support about 1.1 / 1.2 Mpixel, so 1388x768 being close to the bandwidth ceiling

1024x600 / 1280x720 definitely doable, where as FHD, UHD, are NOT

You can play games with the refresh rates (say down to 20 or 30 Hz) and with the colour depth.

You need frame buffer memory behind these too, and that typically needs to come from SDRAM, ideally 32-bit wide at the high resolutions / bandwidths. Remember you usually want multiple frames, and be able to access/work on them concurrently with the display rendering.

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