2018-03-19 9:39 AM
What is the minimum cubeMX configuration on stm32L4 discovery board? I want to have clean project without peripheral, only with debugging functionality.
2018-03-19 9:45 AM
There are project templates and examples using HAL below the Cube repository
2018-03-19 10:57 AM
but I want to have minimal configuration
2018-03-19 11:21 AM
If you would like to use CubeMX just enable single LED. The current CubeMX can initialize the on board stuff but you can skip it, and instead select port where the LED is connected to, configure it as output and use HAL_GPIO_WritePin() to turn on the LED.
Not sure what you want to achieve - I guess you would like to study the generated config starting from the scratch, and add more resources as you go...
You can also use register based approach if you will.
2018-03-19 11:29 AM
Not difficult to take a hatchet to the template and make a tighter one if required.
Or are you looking for an .IOC file template to feed CubeMX?
>> stm32L4 discovery board
Describes about 4 boards
2018-03-19 11:33 AM
2018-03-20 12:20 AM
I have solved problem:
set all free pins as analog in configuration
pinout-> SYS -> Serial Wire
and I have clean configuration on my discovery board. Is it proper solution?