2015-07-28 3:43 AM
Hi, I have been developing my S/W using a F411 Disco board. For the end product, I need to use the L476 device.
So is there a way of migrating between the 2 devices, either within or outside the Cube tool ?. I'd prefer not to have to re-enter all the config data into a new project that uses the L476 device. Thanks, Andy #l476-cube2015-07-29 7:07 AM
Hi pevy.andy,
To migrate from F411 to L476, you may start from the template project in the STM32CubeL4 package and then add your own modifications (new functions, new files)... You can take this as reference to determine differences between the two series (AN4616: Migrating from STM32F401/411 lines to STM32L4 series microcontrollers). The advantage of HAL library is that functions' names are the same for all series, so the migration is not so complicated. -Shahrzad-