2015-05-19 12:41 AM
I want to set up an EtherCAT Network, First I have installed IgH EtherCAT Master in my PC (Ubuntu 14.04) and RTAI 4.1 as RTOS
Can I use microcontroller such as STM32 as a slave
Thanks in advance
2015-05-19 10:23 AM
2015-05-26 5:22 AM
that's means that STM32 is able to proxcess data on the fly??
2015-05-26 10:24 AM
Any controller can process data on the fly, as long as the arrival rate doesn't overrun the processing plus output rate. That's the essence of designing an embedded controller, determining the resources needed to meet requirements and the most economical fit of hardware to the requirements.
Jack Peacock2017-10-21 10:15 AM
STM32 does not embed any Ethercat slave controller. You will have to connect an external one through SPI, as the Beckhoff ET1100), or you may use the Hilscher NetX52. See