2016-12-11 3:44 PM
I am using the STM32F469 on three devices. One device works fine and starts normally after the power is applied. The other two only start operating after the nRST pin is briefing pulled low. There is 3.3V on nRST after powering it up, indicating the power on reset is ok, but the micro fails to start running.
Attaching the STM debugger and checking the MCU core it says it is halted. Clicking run starts the device working.
What could cause the device to power up correctly but not start the program running?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2016-12-13 3:24 PM
I have tried commenting out the SystemClock_Config so that it only inits HAL then turns on LED. The LED turns on with debugger but not standalone. I want to try running the code with just registers/assembly though.
I've tried all the possible combinations. The options I use (which work on other device) are:
WDG_SW: checked
nRST_STOP: checked
nRST_STDBY: checked
BOR off
no read protection
I'll try shorting those two components.
Yeah it looks crap. Next version I'll modernise.
2016-12-13 3:27 PM
I tried level 3 but it didn't change anything.
2016-12-13 3:57 PM
What does
only inits HAL
mean? Can't be the problem in 'only inits HAL'?
How comes you've shown us a monotone rise in VDD previously, and now there's that dip down to some 2V? What are the differences in the circuit then and now? The dip starts while the mcu is still in reset, so it's hard to accuse it of causing it.
The dip in power supply is what throws off the simplistic resets, but IMO the POR/BOR in STM32 should be OK in that respect. I had expectations towards BOR being set, too. Please take that measurement with BOR enabled - you should see the reset extend beyond the dip.
What do you want to modernize?
2016-12-13 4:08 PM
Yes, quite possibly it could be in initialising HAL. I'll try and get the LED going with just registers.
I'm not actually sure what changed to cause the dip. I changed bench power supply, so possibly that...
Here is the same plot with level 3 brownout.
I will modernise the schematic value notations.
2016-12-13 4:22 PM
That's a hummm then... it looks exactly as it supposed to look.
Please don't change the value notations just because of my dumb comment.
2016-12-13 5:28 PM
OK I added the code below to the start of the main routine. The LED flashes with debugger or hard reset but not on power up.
void delaysw(int dtime){
volatile int i;
while(dtime--) for(i=0;i<25000;i++);
int main(void)
while (1)
2016-12-13 8:58 PM
I measured the resistance between the BOOT0 pin and GND and found it was around 40K. There was dodgey connection between the jumper pin and the pull down resistor. Hardwiring the jumper pin to the pulldown resistor fixed the problem.
Thanks for your suggestions.
2016-12-14 2:26 AM
Now here shows the weakness of this new forum - there's wealth of tags and rewards and stuff, so I gave you a Nice Work badge, but it should've really been a Perseverance in Hardware Debugging badge.