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Measuring power consumption of STM32F4DISCO's MCU

Associate II
Posted on July 21, 2014 at 10:12


I want to measure the STM32F4DISCOVERY's STM32F407VGT6 power consumption, is there someone who already done this ? I mean, is there a solution to plug an ampermeter in this kit's Vdd pin ?

I saw that in another ST's eval. board, this could be done quickly as there is a jumper for that, but I want to know if a such jumper exist on the STM32F4Discovery.

Posted on July 21, 2014 at 14:52

Isn't this something you could determine by looking at the schematic? JP1 Idd

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Associate II
Posted on July 22, 2014 at 13:01

Thank you for your answer, well I come from Microchip PIC32 world, that's why I'm a little pessimist ! I'm glad that I'm working with new microcontroller.

I checked that if I don't use this jumper, the MCU isn't powered.

I used a multimeter to measure the current and I found 0.612 mA but my program wasnt working (LED's are not blinking) when I put the jumper in place, everything is working normally. that's strange isnt it ?