2024-11-05 2:43 AM
I am writing an embedded software project that includes BLE GATT protocol with stm32wb15 mcu.
Based on the "BLE_HeartRate" example, to use stop1 and standby in the project;
Question 1
I closed all debugs in Cubemx. I am using Custom Template.
I have not yet activated and added peripherals such as IO, UART, I2c to the project.
I have a board that I designed with a processor and I am measuring with a multimeter that measures nA level.
When I load "BLE_HeartRate" to the device, I see a consumption between 90uA and 450uA. After a certain period of time, this value drops to 90uA and 138uA. These are values much higher than the consumptions mentioned in the documents.
What is the possibility of hardware losses? Or do I need to add to the "BLE_HeartRate" example?
The problem in my project is as follows;
Sample Project in this link;
- "CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED 1" and "CFG_LPM_STANDBY_SUPPORTED 1" are not active, 2.5mA
- Only "CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED 1" is active, I read 170uA and 450uA values.
- When I activate "CFG_LPM_SUPPORTED 1" and "CFG_LPM_STANDBY_SUPPORTED 1" at the same time, I see the 2.5mA values again.
What do you think is the problem?
Do I need to add extra code?