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Maximum SRAM usage on STM3220G-EVAL

Associate II
Posted on August 10, 2011 at 22:55

How much is there, really?  And how much is really available?

The specs all say 16 mbit, but the part and the schematic show 32 mbit, or 4 MBytes. 

Looking into the code examples include with IAR EWARM, it seems only A0-A17 are assigned to the FSMC, which suggests only 256 KBytes?!

However, in the debugger there appears to be 512 KBytes of actually usable memory! 

So, here are my questions:

  1. How much memory is actually usable?

  2. How do I set up access to all of it?

Posted on August 11, 2011 at 02:31

For the STM3220F-EVAL

The straight SRAM has 18 address bits, and is 16-bits wide. ie 256Kwords or 512Kbytes or 4Mbits

A0..17 are shifted versions of A1..18

It's access time is 55ns, so figure about 7 times slower than internal SRAM.

For the STM3220G-EVAL

The straight SRAM has 21 address bits, and is 16-bits wide. ie 2048Kwords or 4096Kbytes or 32Mbits (CY7C1071DV33)

A0..20 are shifted versions of A1..21

It's access time is 12ns, so figure about 2 times slower than internal SRAM.

It might be fitted with a smaller, slower, or faster part.

The IS61WV102416BLL-10MLI is a 1024Kword, 2048Kbyte, 16Mbit part. At 10ns it's still at least 2 cycles.

I suspect you'd program the pins to associate with the FSMC, and you'd program the FSMC with the geometry of the device.

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Associate II
Posted on August 11, 2011 at 13:24


The key point you made is contained in the phrase ''A0..17 are shifted versions of A1..18'' (and the related point for my board), which explains the 256K/512K discrepency I noticed.  I am also willing to readily believe that the code samples are intentionally compatible with the older board with the smaller SRAM.

In my confusion and rush to get out a question before leaving for the day, it didn't occur to me that they would have done that ''shifting''; it seems more natural to me to label the signals A1..18.  But that's just me...

Now, I've got to figure out how to get those extra address bits mapped...

Thanks, Clive1!!!


Posted on August 11, 2011 at 16:31

Yes, on things like the 68K we had to play games with the address pin names on the schematic depending on the parts and the bus widths. I suspect the STM32 with it's pin constraints, and to simplify the schematics, went with a more dynamic scheme. Just another thing to watch out for.

A quick dig around didn't find a good FSMC example, mostly ''too be implemented i next version''

Confirming to myself it was really a 55ns part, not a 5.5ns one
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