2021-09-12 5:01 AM
MCU of STM32L476 series,
please let me know the maximum sample time of DAC and the maximum sine signal frequency which can be generated.
2021-09-13 5:12 AM
Hello @JKim.8 and welcome to the STM32 Community :)
I recommend you to check the Table 82. DAC characteristics, in the STM32L476xx datasheet.
2021-09-13 5:56 AM
Thank you very much.
In the page you mentioned, there is some formula (???), but no value in MSPS,
You may mean I have to calculate the maximum DAC sample rate based on the Clock frequency and Timer setting.
Am I right ???
If yes, I may calculate the value, but it may take some time.
You are familiar with this work, and you may know the value (MSPS) of its maximum rate if I choose maximum clock speed and best timer setting.
I need that figure.
It will be appreciated if you let me know it.
2021-09-15 8:07 AM
Hi @JKim.8 ,
Have a look at this AN4566 Application note Extending the DAC performance of STM32 microcontrollers. It can be hepful.
You can refer to the Table 2, shows the maximum sampling rate for different STM32 products (10 MSPS for STM32L4).
Hope this helps you!
2021-09-15 7:36 PM
The DAC sampling rate is not the key parameter. Start from the signal YOU want to generate. Specify its maximun slew rate. Compare it with DAC's, pass or fail.