2016-07-22 01:12 AM
I am having trouble to link a binary file for an STM32F4 Discovery project. The Media File art_of_gard_448K.bin should be linked at the memory position /* Audio file size and start address are defined here since the Audio file is stored in Flash memory as a constant table of 16-bit data */&sharpdefine AUDIO_FILE_SIZE 0x70000&sharpdefine AUDIO_FILE_ADDRESS 0x08080000 /* Audio file address */ Do I need to adopt my linker /ld script manually or is there a way to set this in TrueStudio? I can not see any settings in the sample project, that would reflect this, also have compared ld files of my project and the sample project. Please supportThanks Sascha #stm32f4 #linking2016-07-22 01:33 AM
> Do I need to adopt my linker /ld script manually or is there a way to set this in TrueStudio?
This question is better to be asked at forum or whatever other support your toolchain vendor provides. Generally, linkers don't handle well this sort of unstructured data and you are better off merging them to the program's binary post-linking, e.g. using srecord. JW