2020-01-11 11:05 PM
Hi all,
I have some problem with LCD1602 + pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F107
pcf8574 operate as SLAVE.
I setup i2c in CubeMX and used this tutorial ( https://controllerstech.com/i2c-lcd-in-stm32/ ) to operate LCD, but I failed, then I write a I2C bus scanner and I found I2C device is not detected at all.
how exactly make it detect I2C device?
2020-01-12 12:32 PM
If the slave device is not acknowledging, you need to focus on power and connectivity issues.
Where multiple addresses are possible make sure the part is jumpered/strapped properly.
Check pin configuration and pull ups.
2020-01-12 9:30 PM
Thanks for your response.
The power and connectivity is OK, I checked it 200 times.
But i dont know about pull ups. An article said "STM32F1 microcontrollers do not provide the ability to pull-up SDA and SCL lines. Their
GPIOs must be configured as open-drain, and two external resistors are required to pull-up
I²C lines."
Does it means I can not use my I2c part in slave mode?