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LCD1602+pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F107


Hi all,

I have some problem with LCD1602 + pcf8574 (I2C) and STM32F107

pcf8574 operate as SLAVE.

I setup i2c in CubeMX and used this tutorial ( ) to operate LCD, but I failed, then I write a I2C bus scanner and I found I2C device is not detected at all.

how exactly make it detect I2C device?


If the slave device is not acknowledging, you need to focus on power and connectivity issues.

Where​ multiple addresses are possible make sure the part is jumpered/strapped properly.

Check pin configuration and pull ups.​

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Thanks for your response.

The power and connectivity is OK, I checked it 200 times.

But i dont know about pull ups. An article said "STM32F1 microcontrollers do not provide the ability to pull-up SDA and SCL lines. Their

GPIOs must be configured as open-drain, and two external resistors are required to pull-up

I²C lines."

Does it means I can not use my I2c part in slave mode?