‎2018-02-19 05:48 AM
I'm using a stm32f407vg board. Suddenly I can't download my code to flash memory anymore. I'm using the keil toolchain. I tried stm32 st-link utility, but it can't connect to target either. I tried the option 'connect under reset', but it didn't work. I tried to unistall and install again the st link drivers and utility, but it didn't work.
Can somebody please help me? Thanks.
‎2018-02-19 06:32 AM
Try pulling BOOT0 high, reset, and program/erase via ST-LINK Utilities
‎2018-02-19 06:56 AM
‎2018-11-14 04:34 AM
I've solved the issue following these steps:
-Install STM32 ST-LINK Utility;
-Open it, click on ST-LINK -> Firmware update;
-Plug your board, then click on Device Connect. If the board is recognised proceed with the firmware update (click yes), otherwise check if the drivers are correctly installed;
-Click on Target -> Settings. Under "Mode" select "Connect under reset". Leave all the other settings as default;
-Go on Target -> Connect. You are now connected to the board (see the registers);
-Finally click on the red Rubber figure (Full Chip Erase).
Now you should be able to download your code into the flash using Keil.
‎2019-05-21 11:13 AM
Hi, thank you for sharing the solution! I had the same issue and it worked for me too.
‎2019-06-30 02:53 PM
hi, thank you for all.
but this solution is not working for me. :(
sometimes connecting. sometimes does not connect.
Is there anyone have an idea?
STLinkUSBDriver.dll v5.1.2.0
ST-LINK Firmware v2.J34.S7
‎2019-06-30 04:45 PM
Does your device go into a low power mode? Interfere with clocks, or pins related to SWD interface? NRST connected?
Try "Connect Under Reset"
‎2019-07-01 03:09 PM
like you said, because I use a low-powered power supply. thank you so much.
‎2022-01-26 04:50 PM
your solution works!!