2018-01-18 02:40 AM
Congratulations for fixing the forum! (knocking on a wood)
A confusing thing for newcomers like myself is that questions can be asked in the STM32 Forum and in the STM32 Community. The latter IMHO is confusing and should be disabled. People can post questions outside of the forum and wonder why there's no replies. Or, when posting question directly to the community there should be a prominent notice that the question isn't going to the forum.
Pavel A.
2018-01-19 07:50 AM
Doesn't that mean that one has to pick a specific moderator? Or can one share with 'moderators' as a group?
My proposal is just a workaround. You need to select persons with whom you will share the discussion.
Would be a lost simpler to just have it as an option on the 'Report' button - both for the reporter, and for the one(s) receiving the reports.
It may be a new feature to add.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2018-01-19 08:20 AM
As far as I can see, you can only 'Share' a complete thread - not a particular post?
2018-01-19 09:02 AM
I use 'Spam' for duplicate posts, and write that in the notes field. It has the added advantage of hiding the post. I don't think all options hide things.
There are a lot of things with Jive that make me conclude &sharpdesignedbymuppets admittedly smarter and better looking ones than Microsoft, but still.
2018-01-20 02:07 AM
Actually, forums gathers people and create communities...
2018-01-20 03:29 AM
Looks like unexpected error pops up even by clicking on this post. Only comment works. logged or not.
2018-01-20 11:11 AM
Very true!