2012-09-26 8:18 PM
Dear Friends.
Does anyone use Flash loader Demonstrator for STM32F0? I try out and work hard 2 days for boot loader of STM32F0 with Flash demonstrator but It is still not working. I'm using STM32F0DISCOVERY. I set boot 0 is high leve with 10K pull up. I try how to use boot loader with evaluation board STM32F1, STM32F2 are always successful.I don't know we need to set BOOT1. I see in AN2606 setting BOOT 1 pin is optional bytes. Anyone help me how can to do that. #thanks-for-your-help-!-!2013-03-14 8:05 AM
I got the same problem, I don't know how to move the nBOOT1 pin. I have tried via software with the FLASH functions but with no good result. Also I am working with the J-link no with the ST-Link.The code I have used is taken from the AN 3310 and ported for the F0 micro:FLASH_Unlock();FLASH_OB_Unlock();FLASH_ClearFlag(FLASH_FLAG_EOP|FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR |FLASH_FLAG_PGERR |FLASH_FLAG_WRPERR | FLASH_FLAG_BSY );FLASH_OB_UserConfig(OB_IWDG_SW, OB_STOP_NoRST, OB_STDBY_NoRST);if (FLASH_OB_BOOTConfig(OB_BOOT1_RESET) == FLASH_COMPLETE){ /* generate System Reset to load the new option byte values */ FLASH_OB_Launch();}The function BOOTConfig returns FLASH Erorr, got form the previous operation.Thanks