2013-03-13 02:23 PM
I have a project with a STM32F205 and I was wondering if I can have two USB profile loaded. I want to have the ''mass storage'' profile as well as the ''HID''. Is it possible? My second question is regarding the ''mass storage'' profile. Can I use the external NOR peripheral to share a memory through this profile. Best regards, Jerome #stm32f205-usb2013-03-14 07:48 AM
''profile'' is a recognized USB term?
Do you mean you want a composite USB device that exposes two interfaces? HID and MSD?which USB stack are you using?Composite devices are possible with careful attention to the USB descriptors, if the stack supports this feature.STSW-STM32046 has a composite device example.the second questions is harder. You need to place a FAT,FAT16,FAT32 file system on the NOR flash.What do you mean ''share''? F2 code and USB device both read write NOR flash? if so, somewhat harder. FAT library must support multiple concurrent users.If I had these requirements, I would specify that the system must have an RTOS.