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Issue with USB Virtual COM After SBSFU on STM32WB55RG


Hello everyone,

My team and I are working with a custom board based on the STM32WB55RG. Due to limited pin availability, we need to use USB as a virtual COM port for serial communication. We successfully configured the USB Virtual COM and were able to print messages on the console without any issues.

However, we encountered a problem after integrating SBSFU.

The USB Virtual COM works fine within the SBSFU application, but once the SBSFU process completes and our custom application starts, the USB stops functioning. We can no longer see messages in the terminal, even though our application is running as expected by debugging it with the USART / LPUART.

We have already checked the USB and clock configurations in both the SBSFU app and our custom application, and everything seems to be set up correctly. Furthermore, we also attempted the following:

  • Forcing a USB re-enumeration by pulling the D+ pin low for a few milliseconds.
  • Playing around with initializing and de-initializing the USB in both applications.
  • Verifying that USB interrupts are triggering correctly in our custom application.

As another test, we configured the SBSFU application to use USART instead of USB for serial communication, but the USB Virtual COM still fails in our custom application.

At this point, we are unsure what is causing the issue. Has anyone encountered a similar problem, or does anyone have suggestions on what else we could check?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.