2018-09-14 8:21 AM
Hi ,
I'm doing an audio recording with the SAI interface of the STM32L4R9AI microcontroller.
I'm using DMA in circular mode and I'm getting audio data which I wrote into SD memory.
However, when I tried to open the recorded file , I hear my audio speech with a great noise .
I'm working with these parameters :
The microphone I'm using is the ICS-43434 which outputs PCM audio frame and supports I2S protocol.
Have encountered such issue before ?
What kind of checks should I do when it comes to audio recording with SAI ?
kind regards,
2018-09-17 3:21 AM
Do you have this issue with the SAI example available in the STM32CubeL4 firmware package?
Have you proceeded and set-up your board as described in the readme.txt file?
With Regards,
2018-09-17 4:03 AM
> Data per sample : 24 bits
> Audio mode : Mono mode
> Audio protocole : Free protocol
I suspect this is some CubeMX stuff so I wonder what does this exactly mean in terms of SAI registers value and how does it match the microphone's requirement: