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Is there an MCU with both MMU and a scratchpad memory (software-addressible)?

Associate III

Hi, I am trying to find a MCU that both have an MMU and an internal scratchpad?

My idea is usually Cortex-M series (low-end ones) do not have an MMU and an internal SRAM that can be used as a scratchpad / Cortex-A series (high-end ones) have an MMU but not a scratchpad (the only internal SRAM is the cache).

Is there a product that have an internal scratchpad and an MMU at the same time?

I really am having a hard time searching for a product that suits for me.

Thank you!


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I'd have thought even the advanced cores have some Internal SRAM, so the ROM and Bootstrap code can configure and setup the external bus interfaces, and SDRAM/DDR geometry.


>>I really am having a hard time searching for a product that suits for me.

Then you're either approaching the problem from the wrong direction, or looking in the wrong places.

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Thanks! I've seen STM32MP151 series, but wasn't sure if that embedded SRAM was tied to Cortex-A7 or Cortex-M4 (I thought since Cortex-M series that I saw usually had ~300KB or internal SRAM alone, it was something like that which is shown in the datasheet).

From this diagram I guess my impression was wrong and both CPU can access the internal SRAM. Thanks!