2021-09-16 2:53 AM
I'm using the STM32L4R5ZI's DAC to generate a signal, after that I'm using a differential amplifier to eliminate the DC level of the signal (since DAC can only output from 0 to Vref+). For that ampifier I need the value in witch the signal is centered (I'm using 2048 or Vref+/2). I was using the other DAC channel to generate that value, but now I need to output 2 signals, so I can't use it anymore.
I've tried with the Vref Buffer, but I can't have the reference voltage without changing the DACs range, so I'm never going to be able to center the signal in that value.
The easiest way of doing it will be to output Vref/2 somehow, but I can't find the way.
Thank you so much
2021-09-16 3:51 AM
Only the DAC can output analog values. Well, I guess the voltage buffer can as well, at specific values, but as you mentioned is not a solution here.
You can use an external resistor divider to get a reference voltage.
2021-09-16 4:10 AM
Thank you so much.
A voltage divider is going to interfere with the differential amplifier so I don't think it's the way to go here.
I thought that there would be a way to access that value, since the uC is using it for example in the comparators.
I don't think it's possible to output the voltage buffer value without changing the DAC range (maintaining the VDD reference) either, so...