2018-01-01 10:13 PM
I'm using STM3240G-EVAL board to test my application.
On this board, I can burn flash and load application by switching BOOT0 pin between LOW and HIGH with BOOT1 fixed to LOW.
But my custom board has tight space of board.
So I want to remove SWD(J-TAG) pins and BOOT0 switch from the board.
Is there a way to make stm32 system bootloader load application?
Thanks in advance!!!
2018-01-02 8:13 AM
You can write your own loader, and do what you want to way you want. There are IAP (In-Application Programming) examples, and plenty of texts about writing boot loaders, etc.
You can also jump into the F407 system loader without the BOOT0 pin, this has been discussed multiple times on the forum, dig around a little and use the search tool.
If you don't want headers consider exposing the debug pins via test points or edge castellations. Designing a board you can't debug or diagnose is a flawed plan.