2018-01-31 7:50 AM
Is the STM32H7 intended to replace F7 family? I want to start a design and considered the F7 family but will it disappear when the H7 is in full production?
#stm32h7 #stm32f72018-01-31 8:05 AM
I doubt it, the variety of parts allows for price stratification, and attack different markets.
The 400 MHz speed makes it competitive against the ATMEL/MICROCHIP CM7 parts which have been 300 MHz FPU-D since inception.
2018-01-31 8:07 AM
Also publically committed to the STM32F7 thru January 2027
2018-01-31 8:24 AM
,The STM32F7 and STM32H7 are two distinct families. They will coexist on the market.
You can pursue your design based on our STM32F7 device without concerns.Khouloud.
2018-02-01 12:06 AM
Thanks Clive and Khouloud for the quick replies and helpful information.
2018-02-01 2:44 AM
Hi Khoulound,
We know that the ST will not stop producing STM32F7 that have already been released. The question is: Will all future cortex-m7 releases be in the STM32H7 family? Or will there be new releases in the STM32F7 family as well?
2018-02-01 3:14 AM
,We are providingdifferent STM32F7 lines offering various features.
Shall I understand that you have a particular use case that can not be realized using the STM32F7 MCUs already existing on the market?Khouloud.
2018-02-01 3:33 AM
as far as I can see, the H7 will drop in on an existing F7 PCB.
I checked the 208pin LQFP, and every pin looks good. FMC pins, Ethernet MII, USB Device/Host, Spi,IIC,Uarts,DSI all line up, pin for pin.
2018-02-01 4:57 AM
I hope for a STM32 for high-end Motor control and digital power convertion. Something like the STM32F303/334 but using a cortex-m7 core and with ethernet peripheral. STM32H7 do the job, but it is very expensive and complex for that.
2018-02-07 6:31 PM
The STM32F7 family is a large portfolio covered by the 10 years longevity comittment as advertized by ST for the whole STM32 family so there is absolutely no issue to start a new design with any member of this series. The many STM32 series are based upon different technology nodes depending on the objectives that are targeted for the given series, be it the performance, be it the low power consumption or any other combination. On the high performance path, the STM32H7 platform will see some other variants proposed in the future to expand the offering.