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Is the STM32H7 intended to replace F7 family?

John F.
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 16:50

Is the STM32H7 intended to replace F7 family? I want to start a design and considered the F7 family but will it disappear when the H7 is in full production?

#stm32h7 #stm32f7
Posted on May 11, 2018 at 13:40

Multi-core, DSI and SWV that works? SDMMC seems a bit marginal at times, much more touchy at 4-bit than F7 implementation, perhaps related to change in IP for DDR/UDR? Documentation that lacks a good technical editor?

Core/process seems viable to 500 MHz, so head room there.

I wish ST would be more forward in their presentation about what is happening about the H7, seems like the abandoned step-child 18 months in here.

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Posted on May 16, 2018 at 18:07

I read in a chinese presentation something like a dual-core 480MHZ M7 + 240MHZ M4 for next H7. So the H7 should only grow to higher-ends.